Patrick Millard, and his soon-to-be bride Kathryn, sent out wedding invitations to both Georgia head coach Mark Richt and Florida State head coach Jimbo Fisher back in March...
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Over this past weekend the couple received responses from both. Richt sent a nice letter, while Fisher sent an autographed headshot...
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Per CollegeSpun.
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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wartiger2004116 months
Mark Richt sends a nice letter and jumbo sends an autograph picture.One is pure class the other is a narcissist I will let y'all decide.
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IntenseKid116 months
I promise you he didn't sign that. He has admin assistants for that stuff.
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Street Hawk116 months
Anybody else think it is lame to send a wedding invitation to a football head coach? Some people need to get a life.
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TheOcean116 months
Looks like Jimbo actually signed his. Pure class. Richt? Not so much
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gamecocks22116 months
so much dumb
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