I'd say if Jim Harbaugh is at your house during a recruitment trip, you can get him to do pretty much anything. Case in point, the Michigan head coach climbed a tree while visiting 2016 four-star DB David Long on Monday night...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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RedFoxx104 months
Get out of my grandmother's living room!
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NYCAuburn104 months
He will do anything a recruit ask him to do.
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vuvuzela104 months
Don't you like to climb trees?!

No mothafricka we got bills and shite!
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TKLSUMD104 months
Come on man. Come to Michigan. I suck your D@@K.
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sullivanct19a104 months
So what happens when he decides to stop the Sandusky sleepovers and tree climbing etc? This won't last long - probably not even to next recruiting season. Looks like Harbaugh wants a fast trip to a conference title then back to the NFL.
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Solo Cam104 months
A "joke" that's going to run college football for the next 15 years.
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airportwhiskey104 months
This dude is becoming a joke.
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