Design firm Deeyung Entertainment created these cool concept helmets for a bunch of college football teams, including LSU. Check'em out...

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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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panzer115 months
Lot of work for a lot of negativity...Some of them were awesome. Some's helmet is already perfect.
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DoubleDown115 months
Where's the pinnacle of college football, Alabama's?
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GeeOH115 months
Thanks but no thanks on the LSU one. The grey LSU logo is pathetic looking.
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CSATiger115 months
Helmets for a NBA team?
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OleRockyTop115 months
MSU already uses that helmet pretty much and A&M uses just a different color of that helmet
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Mizzou's is okay. The rest... meh. LSU's should never be messed with. It's flawless.
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TIGRLEE115 months
Boo this man
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utstnx115 months
did i miss alabama's??
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tigerman03115 months
That's one wild looking cock.
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RileyTime115 months
Does he not realize the way he's angling some of these logos makes it look retarded? Also the Georgia one is fricking stupid haha. I do like Mizzus tho

I do like
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Dam Guide115 months
This guy sucks so much arse, the Saints one is just awful.
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WalkingTurtles115 months
LSUs is so bad!!!!
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BamaChemE115 months
Doesn't MSU already use that helmet?
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Hester Carries115 months
Really? You could see these happening? Really?
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OleRockyTop115 months
A lot of these suck
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a want115 months
So bad.
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