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Nike has designed these “N7 Turquoise Uniforms” for Florida State, Nevada, Oregon State and New Mexico to raise awareness for Native Americans. Nike describes these as a celebration of “friendship and community.” You like?
Filed Under: NCAA Basketball
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IAintGotNoWorries130 months
Brings a whole new meaning to "blackout" games
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roadhouse130 months
Let's raise awareness about eskimos while we're at it
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WONTONGO130 months
There's a Breaking Bad/meth joke in here somewhere, but I don't have the energy.
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kjntgr130 months
Windex paid for these
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CtotheVrzrbck130 months
New Mexico.... Turqouise uni's... that's gotta be somehow racist in today's world.
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stonedbegonias130 months
"That's five uniforms...."

Four teams.
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SpiderY2Bannana130 months
That's five uniforms....
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arseinclarse130 months
Drink blue icee. shite. Profit.
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