WNBA Players Do Their Before & After Roll Call Edition
© Jennifer Buchanan-USA TODAY Sports
WNBA players passing the time...
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Filed Under: NBA
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Chris P Bacon58 months
Would let the one with ceiling fan sit on my face
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SECdragonmaster59 months
The problem with this version was the girls hair. For the most part, it was the same before and after. It’s hard to pull of a shocking change in look with the exact same hairstyle.
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gamecockman1259 months
I'd rather find $5.00 on the ground than be given free WNBA tickets.
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Fightin Okra59 months
Bring back the Oregon girls Better yet, get some SEC cheerleaders to make one
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BowDownToLSU59 months
Cringe worthy
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bcoop19959 months
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imjustafatkid59 months
This wasn't nearly as good as the Oregon softball one, but I hope this is a trend that continues.
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diat15059 months
Beautiful queens
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Privateer 200759 months
Can't stand WNBA. Must be nice to be in a profession where you can lose money every year, yet still keep your job.
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BobABooey59 months
Attendance at WNBA games has not been impacted by the COVID-19 virus.
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RamboMizzou59 months
The black girl at 41 seconds.... I need. I need.
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RamboMizzou59 months
Lexie Brown ftw.
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SECdragonmaster59 months
This is not Oregon softball. Virtual downvote.
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Booyow59 months
Garbage Larry, pure garbage
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