Nike & Ohio State Are Selling 'Alumni' LeBron James Jerseys
© Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Lakers superstar LeBron James is a big Ohio State fan, however he did not attend the university, or any university for that matter. That's not stopping the Buckeyes from selling these new 'alumni' LeBron James jerseys in time for the upcoming playoffs...
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How annoying is he going to be during the CFB Playoffs?
Filed Under: NBA
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Blind Zebras61 months
These 2 are made for each other
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GeauxsomeMeaux61 months
I hear OSU is also selling Jordan alumni jerseys too!
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GeauxsomeMeaux61 months
Maybe Ohio State can sell Jeaux Burrow jerseys and they can pretend he didn’t transfer and graduated from there??!!
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Black n Gold61 months
Makes sense. Guy has been going around for years acting like he has a Masters Degree in every major offered.
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Disgeaux Bob61 months
Situational morality at its best. frick that a-hole.
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Dead End61 months
frick Lebron, China is a-hole.
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tigerterrace61 months
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Vacherie Saint61 months
He’s FOS as usual. Had he gone to college under the current rules, he would have NEVER chosen OSU.
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weptiger61 months
Like all things with liberal institutions, it’s “their” version of history.
user avatar
You sound fricking retarded
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Blind Zebras61 months
Actually he’s not. Liberals are mentally ill. They can repeatedly break the law and make up their own rules And it’s okay. Meanwhile, they do jack shite for our country and want to get a guy who is creating more jobs in our country decades out of office. They are fricking retarded.
user avatar
How pathetic. I hope no one buys any of them.
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Bige1161 months
Must be made in China
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smash williams61 months
Can’t wait to get the Boosie LSU jersey.
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CaptainJ4761 months
I would buy that
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hg61 months
Anything for a dollar
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CajunBullet61 months
"Frauds", what would one expect?
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biggsc61 months
Who cares?!?! Geaux Tigers!
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Giantkiller61 months
'Alumni' LeBron James Football Jerseys...' Sleeveless football jerseys, Larry?
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