Michael Jordan Reportedly Wouldn't Allow Horace Grant To Eat After Bad Games
© Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports
Some of the best story about Michael Jordan and the 90s Chicago Bulls aren't in "The Last Dance." Legendary Bulls reporter Sam Smith revealed a crazy story this week about players telling him MJ would make airline stewardesses skip teammate Horace Grant on team planes after games if he sucked earlier in the day...

"Players would come to me over the years and said, 'You know what he did? He took Horace's food away on the plane because Horace had a bad game,'" Smith said on the Tolbert, Krueger & Brooks Podcast.

"He told the stewardesses, 'Don’t feed him, he doesn’t deserve to eat!'"

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Filed Under: NBA
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Dale357 months
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Drizzt57 months
Jordan is such a dick
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RandySavage57 months
These kind of fake arse stories are so old and tiresome at this point.
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bgtiger57 months
Play better Horace
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brewdrees57 months
I would of had to fight MJ, no grown man telling me I can't eat!!!
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CreoleKid2457 months
Love Mike, but he would have got these hands with that bullcrap!
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DeafVallyBatnR57 months
Horace is a grown arse man. If he wanted eat then he would have eaten.
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Albino Potato57 months
It’s not that he couldn’t eat. Imagine the best player in the world shaming you in front of your whole team and knowing MJ it was probably some harsh stuff. You know he never would let up. Hell, he roasted Jerry Krause and that was his GM!
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lsutigersFTW57 months
Funny because LeBron ASKS teammates if it’s ok for him to eat after he has bad games
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Master of Sinanju57 months
I'm glad no one did this when I played ball.
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JackieTreehorn57 months
I don't believe a damn thing Sam Smith says.
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Albino Potato57 months
Yeah MJ was an incredible player and a-hole. The new MJ documentary won’t show all of it because MJ asked for and was given permission on what all was discussed. It’s not really a completely accurate documentary. It’s funny how winning cures all. If you win it’s spun as being a competitive maniac and if you lose you are a bad teammate. MJ is the goat but like all greats he had his share of issues.
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Stingray57 months
"MJ is the goat but like all greats.... but unlike all greats, he was the greatest."
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