I'm sure a lot of Dallas fans were disappointed when DeAndre Jordan decided to stay and resign with the Los Angeles Clippers at midnight Wednesday. But none were as upset as this Mavericks fan who posted this very not safe for work rant that takes down DeAndre, Blake Griffin, the city of Houston, Doc Rivers, Chris Paul and more. Again, language NSFW...

Um...DeAndre isn't even that big of a signing for them.
Filed Under: NBA
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betweenthebara115 months
What a fricking loser. Made it 4 seconds in.
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Spelt it rong115 months
I mean... calling someone a shitty parent and hating on their kids is pretty uncalled for. He was dead on about Jordan and then CP3's height though. And Houston for that matter
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mylsuhat115 months
This was absolutely filmed in a double wide
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a want115 months
On Blake Griffin: "You over-grown, ugly, carrot-looking "


This made my day.
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TbirdSpur2010115 months
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So how about that mental health issue in our country ...
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Chadaristic115 months
Never change, JETigER.
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JETigER115 months
Tyson Chandler was a fricking baby when he was with the New Orleans Pelicans. "my poor foot", "I'm such a woman I can't stand my foot pain". Then that asshat Tyson Chandler turns into superman when he plays for dallas. that NBA championship belongs to New Orleans, not Dallas. If Tyson Chandler wouldn't have been such a cry baby with his foot New Orleans would be the franchise with an NBA Championship and not Dallas. The only person I hate more than Nick Saban is Tyson Chandler
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GeauxToBed115 months
He mad
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DoubleDown115 months
I've never seen someone so fired up over basketball. Why?
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Mouth115 months
That was amazing!

His Blake Griffin comments were spectacular.
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