Actress January Jones Out Her Asking Clippers Star Kawhi Leonard For A Date On Instagram
© Troy Taormina-USA TODAY Sports
Mad Men star January Jones is a big fan of Los Angeles Clippers star Kawhi Leonard. So much so, the actress took to Instagram on Thursday night to straight up ask him out...
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(The Big Lead)
Filed Under: NBA
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tadman54 months
Ex-gf from her hometown. She is batshit nuts. Took one to know one, maybe was something in the water out there.
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TigerB854 months
She thinks popping out some babies with him will be her contribution to the woke cause.
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Morris154 months
I would love it if he said “mmm, no thanks.” The popping of the entitlement balloon would be so satisfying to hear. Or better yet, “I’m sorry mam, but you are too old for me.”
user avatar
DesScorp54 months
Just.... No.
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Boo Krewe54 months
She hot but stuck up
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tubucoco54 months
BBC special!
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Amazing Moves54 months
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jeff7012154 months
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Buckeye Jeaux54 months
Another middle-aged cougar on the prowl.
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Rouge54 months
Sending over 10 year old pic.....smdh
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brewdrees54 months
Any broad that drink Coors is a TRAINWRECK!!! Basic white girl nothing soevual.
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brewdrees54 months
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Walt OReilly54 months
She thinks very highly of herself
user avatar
puse0154 months
BBC strikes again
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JackieTreehorn54 months
The network of course.
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geauxbrown54 months
Purple crayon incoming.
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bcoop19954 months
Read several interviews of hers and that chick is crazy. She also sees her time is running out so she's getting desperate.
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Leon S Kennedy54 months
Kawahi is recently married with kids. Screwing a thing actress that might too high profile an infedility. He can find better looking whores on Instagram.
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Havoc54 months
Wtf, is that English?
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Hangit54 months
He is not married at all, much less recently.
user avatar
There are 34,379,100 ($) reasons why she is interested in him besides his silver bullet. Oh, that's annually.
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Jag_Warrior54 months
Yeah, other than checking the mailbox for Mad Men residuals, what’s she doing for $ these days?
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LesnarF554 months
Hard Pass! She looks like a pain in the arse.
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Corso54 months
She's pretty but something about her makes me think she's capable of murder
user avatar
Not attractive. Even if she walked into a CVS, I don’t see her turning many heads.
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