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91TIGER41 months
Alpha Female !
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ImayGoLesMiles41 months
Coach O has to be thinking "oh I'm doing just great. My program is going to take a hit of millions to support your women's basketball program and your insane salary."
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1941 months
Commes Ca, Bitches.
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rob6241 months
O’s body language (arms crossed, hands in pockets, facial expressions) say he isn’t impressed.
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spankydynamite41 months
Telling body language, but thats not what it suggests. those signs in context suggest he simply doesn't know how to handle the attention she is giving him. She really likes him and was being openly playful with him.
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how33341 months
All the love from Tigerdroppings ....... until, her first loss.
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double d41 months
Always cocky, Kramer got it naturally.
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Flashback41 months
Will Wade was probably wearing diapers and hiding from her. O was scared of her. They should put her in charge of keeping those other coaches in line.
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rob6241 months
O looks more like there is a little disdain.
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spankydynamite41 months
Wow....this woman is so potent and adept at winning she is going to elevate the performance of all the male coaches....great job scott woodward!!!!
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Longdriver9841 months
Love the fire in her belly
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Bill Parker?41 months
Love them white shrimp boots
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225Tyga41 months
cringy and very disrespectful
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beauchristopher41 months
I don't really see it as an impersonation, tbh. Wasn't much of an attempt. I also don't see it as disrespectful. Looked more like she was getting fired up with him.
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DWaginHTown41 months
he didn't seem amused.
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Vernonbrew2241 months
Show her the Money cause she will change culture
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Hoovertigah41 months
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LesnarF541 months
Two definite alpha personalities for sure!!! Next new baseball coach!!!
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beauchristopher41 months
She definitely comes across as a boss.
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Cosmo41 months
Not a single mask. I love it.
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91TIGER41 months
Masked Covidians downvoting you.
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Tigerpawsandroars41 months
Could anyone see them being a couple?
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BananaManCan41 months
Cringey af and disrespectful
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Nix to Twillie41 months
Coach o would tell you to lighten up Francis.
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beauchristopher41 months
Not at all. You are misinterpreting it, IMO. She was getting fired up with him and it lasted a few seconds.
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sheek41 months
Write Kim a letter and tell her
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