Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
ESPN waited until the College Football Rankings to come out on Tuesday before unveiling their updated Bowl Projections, which have LSU playing in the Outback Bowl on January 2nd at noon CT.

College Football Playoff at the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl: Alabama vs. Texas A&M

Allstate Sugar Bowl: Auburn
Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl: Florida
Outback Bowl: LSU
TaxSlayer Bowl: Tennessee
Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl: Arkansas
AutoZone Liberty Bowl: Ole Miss
Belk Bowl: Georgia
AdvoCare V100 Texas Bowl: Kentucky
Birmingham Bowl: South Carolina
Filed Under: LSU Sports
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jptiger2009100 months
lol at the outback they ever take a sec west team
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MaHittaMaHitta100 months
Weird. We beat Iowa in the Outback Bowl 3 years ago..
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AlabamasSalaryCap100 months
lol at the peachbowl
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