Commencement Postponed
Tuesday, March 24, 2020; 5:00 p.m.

Dear LSU family,

I write to tell you that we have made the difficult decision to postpone the May commencement ceremonies—including the Veterinary School and Law Center ceremonies—due to the ongoing public health emergency. But I promise all of our graduating students that you will have the opportunity to participate in a future commencement ceremony. We will let you know more details when they are available, and we ask you to fill out the form below to help us plan. But don’t worry–we will celebrate your graduation!

We made this decision with significant input from the student body via Student Government. Student leaders conducted a survey of the graduating class and almost 2,000 students participated. We are grateful to all.

The safety and well-being of everyone in our LSU community is our highest priority and with that guiding principle, we knew that we could not put anyone in harm’s way by holding our commencement ceremonies as planned. It was an extremely hard decision to make, but it’s the right one.

I know this announcement will be disappointing to everyone who was eagerly looking forward to walking across the stage in May and celebrating their graduation with faculty, family and friends. I’m disappointed, too. But to those who will be graduating, please know that this announcement doesn’t take anything away from your accomplishments this semester, and throughout your time at LSU. Once you complete your degree requirements, you will be an LSU graduate as of that date and we will send you your diploma in the mail in advance of your graduation ceremony. Please fill out this form so we make sure to mail your diploma to the correct address and to get an idea of which future commencement ceremony you’d like to attend: LINK . (Veterinary School and Law Center graduating students should not fill out this form, as you will be contacted by your respective schools with more information about your ceremonies.)

Please remember that together we are strong; we are resilient; and, we will get through this together. Your commitment to doing your part to combat the spread of COVID-19 thus far has inspired us, and I sincerely thank you for making yet another necessary sacrifice in order to protect the greater well-being. Even though we’re spending more time apart these days than we’d prefer, we remain united as one LSU family.

In the words of our alma mater, “May thy spirit live in us, forever LSU.”


Thomas C. Galligan, Jr.
Interim LSU President
Filed Under: LSU Sports
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rattlebucket54 months
Who cares. Graduate. Make money. Be productive.
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Miganey54 months
What’s Matt Flynn eating for breakfast?
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LsuFan_195554 months
fricking a-hole
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1985 Tiger54 months
You certainly don't know Tom if you are making such a comment about him. I know him well and have for over 28 years. He won't respond to your crap but I will. LSU is lucky to have him.
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LSU Tiger Eyes54 months
Forever LSU! Congratulations to the Class of 2020
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nol1wph54 months
Damn. Sucks for all the seniors...
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CanebreakCajun54 months
That’s 5 weeks away
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