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For Immediate Release - January 26, 2019

LSU Board of Supervisors Approves New Pricing Plan for Football, Baseball Tickets

BATON ROUGE - The LSU Board of Supervisors Friday afternoon approved a new dynamic pricing plan proposed by LSU Athletics for football and baseball tickets. The plan does not impact student ticket prices and will result in a reduction in prices for thousands of Tiger Stadium seats while high demand seating will see a variable increase in price. It is the first change to the pricing structure in football since 2014 and in baseball since 2015.

The new plan is designed to better reflect demand and market value. Tiger Stadium tickets in higher demand sections will see an increase in price from 4%-12% for the 2019 season while approximately 24,000 tickets, plus student tickets, will see either no increase or a decrease in ticket price by as much as 16%.

While reducing prices in some areas may reduce income, LSU Athletics believes the reductions will generate an increase in sales to offset the reduction of prices.

Additional changes proposed by LSU Athletics and approved in the plan include moving fees that were previously charged separately, such as shipping and handling, into the upfront cost of the ticket. The change increases transparency better reflecting the actual ticket costs for fans.

Tradition fund and season ticket holders will be notified of details regarding their individual seat tickets in mid-February.

Baseball season ticket prices will be adjusted beginning in 2020. Only grandstand seat tickets will be impacted increasing from 6% to 24% for seats in highest demand. The average ticket increase for grandstand seats will be approximately $3.75 per game. All other seat tickets at Alex Box will not be impacted. Ticket holders will be notified of the details for their seats when renewal applications are released for the 2020 season.
Filed Under: LSU Sports
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Steve Janowski73 months
No college football game ticket should cost over $100.00. I paid $320 for 2 tix for the Bama game. Thank God I live in La, or else that could be an expensive trip for Tiger fans outside the state.
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Zanzibaw73 months
Something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it.
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FlyinTiger9373 months
Preparing to pay O’s extension. God helps us.
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NPComb73 months
Tickets should be tiered. Premium seats with a premium price. That's kinda the way it is now but need more balance.
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km73 months
So 24K tickets (plus student tickets) won't see a raise. The other 75K will. Tricky headline.
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