Filed Under: LSU Football
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Geaux Guy30 months
Cool stuff. Complaining about this is equal to those Karen’s complaining about our visit to the White House.
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NPComb30 months
Kiss of death but happy for the players.
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GregMaddux30 months
Is jbe still threatening to cancel football season?
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RogerTheShrubber30 months
Its about the players. Hope they had a great time. Doesn't matter what we think.
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atltiger648730 months
I'm a Republican and am no fan of JBE. But let's not inject politics where it doesn't belong. The Governor invited the team to dinner -- that's a cool thing, regardless of whether the Governor has an R or a D next to his name.
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brett40830 months
While this is true, the sight of that slimy SOB makes me sick
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jamboots0830 months
My father told me never trust a man that stays seated to shake your hand....
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Dallasgrowl30 months
A real man stands to shake hands...never mind, that is a giant douche bag.
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lsuson30 months
That’s a face of he’s a douche but I don’t want him to be alienated by LSU
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YardEngr1130 months
Well I am a little disappointed. Since you and I were paying for all of this, I didn't get my invitation . . . . . . ..
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slicc333330 months
I still HATE him for saying that Lake Charles /Calcasieu Parish "dodged a bullet" when Hurricane Laura tore our home and homeland to pieces. No shower for weeks No power for months. No food intown for 8 weeks. While he sat in BR saying not a big deal.
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southsidedell30 months
Seems to be a theme with these LA Govs and devastating storms.
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southsidedell30 months
They are more than happy to hide out in BR where it is safe.
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Fightin Okra30 months
JBE pay to get all those autographs????
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kkv7530 months
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TouchdownTony30 months
This would cause a total meltdown in Alabama. The governor taking time for one school. Its written in our state constitution that the Governor of Alabama can visit each campus once a season (the governor is present at both homecomings) and can attend the Iron Bowl.
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DRTiger6730 months
Good to see
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tigerfoot30 months
I am in the minority. It is an honor for those young men to be recognized by the state leadership. Hate him all you want, but to the parents of the young men that come here to play, this carries weight.
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rob6230 months
Oh I fricking hate him and he deserves all the hate he gets. Never forget his political posturing insinuating LSU might have to shut down Football due to budget concerns. The dumbass said this even though by State Law LSU can’t use State Funds for athletics and is completely self supporting and is filthy rich via TAF.
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DeafVallyBatnR30 months
Screw you and that Democrat
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goatmilker30 months
You are not. It is a honor and something FEW ever get to do. These stories spread to those not yet at LSU!
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Hangit30 months
At least the coach we have now wouldn't pee on the floor like that last cartoon character we had.
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cypresstiger30 months
The last cartoon character that won a natty. Be complete.
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Purple Spoon30 months
JBE is a crusty jock itch infested nutsack.
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HarveyTunnel30 months
Abortion governor welcomes you. Have a sandwich.
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southsidedell30 months
Ill have a sammy thank you sir.
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KennabraTiger30 months
I thought his big thing was that he was a pro life Dem? No?
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ccomeaux30 months
Dinner with the guy that threatened to end the program over budget cuts ? That guy ?
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Areddishfish30 months
The governor used that bogus line because he knew most people wouldn't know that LSU athletics is self funded.
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CajunBullet30 months
Dumbbell isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.
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bapple30 months
The same governor who was hell bent on restrictions during covid and required vaccine proof last year is now kissing the arse of the new coach. Surprised he’s not still wearing a mask today.
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