Filed Under: LSU Football
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TigerSpray69 months
Why did Kenny Mayne call him Sterling Shepherd?
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SEC Grapevine69 months
Better Look At OBJ to Russell Shepard: High Def & Several Camera Angles LINK
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SomeLSUguy69 months
... and we could not find a way to get Russell Shepard on the field while he was at LSU
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Hoosyadaddy69 months
Russell Sheppard’s recruited harder than the coaches the year he committed. Great to see him making a living doing what he loves
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Gumbo169 months
This is so true!
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Hoosyadaddy69 months
Russell Sheppard’s recruited harder than the coaches the year he committed. Great to see him making a living doing what he loves
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SoulGlo69 months
Did OBJ just chuck it 50 yards on the wrong foot?
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xGeauxLSUx69 months
And at the end the ticker is posting stats from Cleveland/Texans game and it says Jarvis Landry.
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Black n Gold69 months
The Giants are one Shepard short of a nativity scene.
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coopsdad69 months
Under rated comment.
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Spec169 months
Poor Sheppard! Still no TD pass!
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SEC Grapevine69 months
Has anyone began cloning @obj yet? "can we talk about the fact that he slung that ball 50yds in the air without even stepping all the way into it?! Dude has a cannon"
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SEC Grapevine69 months
Is anyone ever going to let Shep throw a damn pass?
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tigersbh69 months
OBJ to Shepard, how cool is that!!
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PrimetimeDaBoss69 months
Of course Shepard didn’t throw the pass...
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tigerpawl69 months
Pretty decent arm strength...
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loogaroo69 months
Yea...kinda flat footed 45 yards in the air. Impressive.
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shaqtaw69 months
To bad he can’t recover an onside kick because he a scared little bitch.
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bringit321069 months
Grammar is not a big priority for you, huh Scooter?
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Gumbo169 months
"Grammar is not a big priority for you, huh Scooter?" Don't be mean bringit3210, he is probably a bama tard. Making it to 5th grade for bama tards is like graduating high school for the rest of (M) America (GA).
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AMac69 months
The irony is strong in this play.
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BowDownToLSU69 months
They should let shep throw one to OBJ now. Shep was a qb at one time
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Spec169 months
You don’t say?
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cypresstiger69 months
Didn’t know Shepard was still in nfl. Good for them both
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TigerSpray69 months
YES, YES, YES.... So happy for Russell.
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