Filed Under: LSU Football
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JCinBAMA61 months
I'm sure this is a NCAA violation.
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MardiGrasCajun61 months
I'm sure you're wrong.
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KennabraTiger61 months
You are dumb as frick
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CanebreakCajun61 months
I’m sure your mama is a violation
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Jonrubberman61 months
Looks like some pretty sweet grass cutters right there!! But seriously, props to OBJ...dude loves him some LSU!!!
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NC1761 months
Stuff we all get.
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pellietigersaint61 months
Fiya kicks. Will cop
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The Levee61 months
Is this legal?
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MardiGrasCajun61 months
Yes....totally legal. The gift is not based on the athlete's performance.
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b8761 months
As long as the entire team gets the gift it is fine, if he gave the shoes to only a few players then it would be a violation.
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ncrdbl160 months
Only if it is available to EVERY STUDENT is it legal. Gifts only available to athletes no matter how many athletes get them are NOT legal. Athletes may not get anything above what every student on campus gets from an outside source.
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narddogg8161 months
Man that's frick ugly. At least it's better than cam Newton, who gives the auburn players his ballerina slippers
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TaderSalad61 months
While I agree on the fugly factor, OBJ didnt have to do this. This is a testament to our players loving LSU and wanting to see the youngsters succeed.
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LSUTigerMN61 months
I'm not a shoe guy, but I might get a pair of those.
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cajunguy61 months
So u saying you a slipper guy or a flip flop guy?? Hope not a heels guy
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TigerDM61 months
These are not individual gifts, he is technically donating them to LSU which is perfectly legal to do. There would be trouble if he directly gave a pair to particular players.
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Handle your business...
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I’ll get a pair
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crewdepoo61 months
Seems like something our compliance department would suspend the team for
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Trout Bandit61 months
No weed. No care.
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MardiGrasCajun61 months
Completely within the NCAA's booster rules.
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CanebreakCajun61 months
Glad he did this, now a question. Is this an NCAA violation lol
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smash williams61 months
This is the 2nd time Odell has done this. Respect.
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NPComb61 months
Just catch th... Awe nevermind. Class action move! Merry Christmas to OBJ and all the Tiger players!
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WhyMan61 months
That's cool!
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drexyl61 months
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