Filed Under: LSU Football
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tigerfan8416 months
That's my head coach
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Northshoretiger8716 months
How many losses?
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LSU_Legz16 months
Most recent number I could find was 278-102. I know numbers are probably hard for you, but that's darn good. What's your record?
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LSU_Legz16 months
I guess that's an "official" number because of some vacated wins in prior years
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Northshoretiger8716 months
Legz, get ready for a whole lotta 8-4 seasons.

Also, what was your take on Les and his W to L ratio? He should still be coaching here, right, because his record was so damn good.
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saturncube2116 months
Congrats BK
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Im4LSUnTN16 months
Huge milestone. Congrats to CK!
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