Filed Under: LSU Football
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TigerCoon27 months
My one beats your two -- Justin Jefferson, probably
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Im4LSUnTN27 months
Similar but Better than OBJ’s catch in that the DB also had 2 hands on that ball. Much more contested catch. Best ever in my book.
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cajunmud27 months
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GumboPot27 months
That was a great game.
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HubbaBubba27 months
fricking broadcast went to the damned Cowboys game here and prevented me from watching the end of the game! I was so mad.
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AtlantaLSUfan27 months
Beautiful. Thank you to the stupid DB trying to get a 4th down interception instead of knocking it away.
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Crimson1st27 months
I’d hazard that catch was in contention for best ever. Right up with OBJ and David Tyree
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CanebreakCajun27 months
Jefferson makes that catch and immediately gets back to line of scrimmage. OBJ makes catch, does the electric bugaloo and yells look at me.
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NPComb27 months
They both celebrate in the endzone. JJ griddys after every TD. I have many issues with OBJ, his celebrations after great catches is not one of them.
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EulerRules27 months
That’s like stealing church money.
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Jabontik27 months
Oh my God
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YMCA27 months
This catch will probably get play just like the OBJ catch when he was with the Giants. Anyone who says LSU isn’t WRU, your mama has pig testicles for ears.
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TheTigershark27 months
On 4th and 18! One upped the down and yard of the UT play.
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ItNeverRains27 months
Ridiculous. J Jetts is simply ridiculous
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Aussietigerfan27 months
Reminiscent of the 3rd and 17 against Texas.
Big time players make big time plays
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FowlGuy27 months
That’s disgusting
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SanJoseTigerFan27 months
Mason Taylor still owns catch of the year
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Tigers4Lyfe27 months
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Midget Death Squad27 months
Never go full Lester
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Old Money27 months
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Morpheus27 months
Crazy game. Funny thing I’d Diggs had a badass catch on 4th and long hat that was very similar and Justin had to one up his old teammate.
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RileyTime27 months
They were never teammates.
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TIGERhype27 months
Vikings traded Diggs and literally drafted Jefferson with the pick they received from Bills!
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Morpheus27 months
My mistake. I was thinking of Thielen. He and Diggs next to each other can’t tell ‘em apart.
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Question27 months
Humans are not supposed to do that :lol:
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