Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Well-known quarterback guru George Whitfield has been working with LSU quarterback Brandon Harris since 2012 during the off-seasons and shared the "mechanical keys" to Harris' success in this ESPN video.

It's only a short 30 second video, but still interesting to watch:


Click here to watch the video on ESPN.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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LSUANDY25108 months
Cant remember ever hearing Whitfield dis on anyone. Bad for business.
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Thorny108 months
He said Brandon has improved immensely. He has really improved his mechanics by shortening his wind up. He no longer kicks the ball down and then bring it up. This change eliminates a big tell for the defensive backs.

It's very positive.

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Gumbo1108 months
"CONTENT UNAVAILABLE" for me. Hope someone gets to see it...
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