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kjadams00149 months
Love the shoes. Takes more than cute shoes to have a good season.
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Drizzt49 months
frick Nike. Never buying their shoes again.
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SnoopALoop49 months
I'll wait till they drop to $60
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thejuiceisloose49 months
What season?
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy49 months
Getting worse by the year. What in the frick is going on? Surely someone at LSU makes the call on this?
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Tenntig49 months
These shoes are manufactured by forced slave labor in China. An estimated 1.5 million Uighur minority workers are transported in cattle cars to facilities making Nike products. Nike also is supporting the street thugs that are tearing appart Seattle, Portland, D.C., New York and others. Apple, Addidas, Microsoft, Google, BMW and General Motors (those most vocal in lecturing the U.S. about human rights) are among the scores of American conglomerates growing wealthy on the backs of slaves. LSU is a willing participant as long as it continues its association with Nike. When the Tigers take the field this fall, remember the purple and gold uniforms worn by LSU players are made by the hands of millions suffering every day in China.
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alumni9549 months
Sorry to bust your rant bubble, but sadly BMW =/= American conglomerate
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Drizzt49 months
Sorry to correct alumni95 but there is a BMW North American operations with a large manufacturing computer in SC.
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Drizzt49 months
*complex, frick autocorrect
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jrodLSUke49 months
Every pair you buy helps poor Nike pay for Kaeppernick's $61M contract! Help poor oppressed Kaeppernick today!!
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Dallasgrowl49 months
Yep, frick 'em both along with the Black Lives Matter crew that goes with them.
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The Eric49 months
yea.... im gonna still get.
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Gumbo149 months
frick Nike! Political correct retards run that company and all they care about is the China market. I wish LSU would pick Adidas. Ironic since Adidas is not a US company but they don't get entangled in the political and progressive shite as far as I know.
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Dallasgrowl49 months
Go Gumbo...I am with you. frick Nike now and always.
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TigerB849 months
Stupid jerks. Nice shoe, would buy. However, they aren't getting another penny from me.
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