'Tis the season...

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TigerSpray81 months
Bowl Game win over Heisman winner, College World Series, #1 overall pick in the NBA draft (again)... Other schools wish they were us.
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SpartyGator81 months
Pretty cool
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CDawson81 months
If the stadium lights were as good as the lights on the boards we would have something.
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JCinBAMA81 months
Looks it reads LS7U is this guy trolling 7su fans?
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SirWinston81 months
Lofty photos mate
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Willie Stroker81 months
Our ticket money at work.
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SippingOnPurple81 months
This. Why the frick are the lights and video boards on constantly? Seems a tad unnecessary.
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TigerSpray81 months
A penny on the electric meter slows down the meter, oh wait, they're digital now.....
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rrboy81 months
Merry Christmas Tigers
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LSU Coyote81 months
Average team with an Average tree.
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rrboy81 months
crappy post by a crappy poster
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themunch81 months
Merry Christmas Tigers
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eugene1928LSU81 months
Merry Christmas to all you Tiger Fans everywhere.
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The Pirate King81 months
Merry Christmas LSU!
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Mike da Tigah81 months
Yeah, and Happy Random Evergreen Tree on a Football Field Holiday to you as well LSU.
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Why is there a reflection of the scoreboard on the grass??? Is TS grass really that shiny, even after a rain, or do they have some sort of clear tarp over it??? Kinda strange, but cool!
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JPinLondon81 months
I believe the photographer took the photo from behind glass in SEZ. Either the door was locked or he/she was too lazy to walk seven feet to the exit
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Fisherchef Jeff81 months
Should of got more of end zone so everyone knows from pic where your at.
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StrangeBrew81 months
It is ok to say Merry Christmas!
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Grim81 months
frick off
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The Cool No 981 months
Damn skippy
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jeff7012181 months
Merry Christmas.......
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panzer81 months
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