Filed Under: LSU Football
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NPComb54 months
Playing the ‘14 game’s better than nothin’
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TulaneLSU54 months
Adults who play video games are losers.
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mule7454 months
People who double post are losers.
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lsutiger201054 months
You live at home with your mom
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TulaneLSU54 months
Adults who play video games are losers.
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plance54 months
Playing the ‘14 game’s better than nothin’
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plance54 months
Playing the ‘14 game’s better than nothin’
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plance54 months
Playing the ‘14 game’s better than nothin’
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plance54 months
Playing the ‘14 game’s better than nothin’
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Dat Ring...
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ezride2554 months
The irony being that Joe still put up better numbers irl than he would in a video game. GOAT.
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sjmabry54 months
Love it!
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geauxGreeks54 months
It really was an unbelievable season and it was amazing the progress that he made in 2019. After the pick6 and cheap shot he took in Fiesta Bowl it seemed as though he really channeled his super powers.
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AustinKnight54 months
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SomeLSUguy54 months
Something just moved in my pants...
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ricker30054 months
It's your hand idiot
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SomeLSUguy54 months
My hands were on my keyboard... who's the idiot now!
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FlyinTiger9354 months
Then, your boyfriend's hands.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy54 months
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GreatLakesTiger2454 months
I would pay like $300 for this and I’m dead serious
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KosmoCramer54 months
I'd offer $350...
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GeauxsomeMeaux54 months
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KennabraTiger54 months
$1, Bob
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Dead End54 months
Shut up and take my money.
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