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Gondor12 months
The energy level in the second half was like a pro team vs. a pop warner team. The seemed faster and hit harder that anyone LSU had on the field. I remember when Kelly first went to ND, he would storm around on the sidelines and get in players faces. There are several of the worst coach melt down clips of Kelly at ND. Is this not PC anymore.
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jbird712 months
Yeah you can’t do that anymore unfortunately. Even saban has taken a step back on doing that.
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themunch12 months
I really don't care for what he is saying about this loss.
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PureBlood12 months
We need a coach to coach with "competitive edge." Running the same WR out there who can't catch a cold, aint competitive. Running a QB out who REFUSES to throw WR's open, and down the field, isn't competitive. Offensive schemes that line WR's up against DEs, aint competitive.
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themunch12 months
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All of this. That crap flies at Notre Dame not here
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