Lee Corso gives LSU atmosphere praise.
Daniel Shirey-USA TODAY Sports
While in Baton Rouge for ESPN’s College GameDay, ESPN analyst Lee Corso gave LSU and Tiger Stadium some great praise...
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Corso coached from 1958 to 1984.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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luvdatigahs116 months
Are you saying that he should be our offensive coordinator, to go along with chief as our d coordinator?
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jmarto1118 months
Lee is a great guy. Had to cook a few times for him when he had a spokesperson deal with us at work for awhile.
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higgsBoson118 months
I've always assumed he had Native American ancestry. I'm don't know if that's true though.
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NorthLaTigerFan119 months
I never know if it is Lee Corso making predictions or Mel Brooks.
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tigerbite2119 months
Yeah I like Lee, but when he put that tiger head on for the pre-game picks, I was thinking it could be the kiss of death... Wondering who old chief will pick in a couple of weeks at valley of death? Whatever it is, we better play like we did last night and it won't
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LSUKAT119 months
he really really does.
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Voorhies7119 months
Everybody knows Corso loves the totem pole.
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JumpingTheShark119 months
Am I the only one that thinks Lee looks like an old Native Anerican chief?
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