Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
Brian Kelly spoke on the SEC Coaches Teleconference Wednesday morning about safety Greg Brooks Jr., who underwent emergency surgery last week to remove a brain tumor.

Brooks, who suffered from vertigo in fall camp, experienced another "dizziness episode" last Wednesday, which led to him having an MRI that revealed the tumor, Kelly said.

Before the surgery, Brooks expressed a desire to play again this season, but Kelly could not give an educated answer on his return as there are many questions that still need to be figured out.

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mla010017 months
All of Tiger Nation is praying for your complete recovery!!
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Jenar Boy17 months
Get well & fully recovered 3. Prayers
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GusAU17 months
God bless you and your family Greg.

Praying for a speedy recovery.

I’ll be rooting for you every day until you run out of the tunnel at Jordan-Hare next season….and probably still will.

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Chrome17 months
Horrible to have to face this especially so young. Prayers for you Mr. Brooks.
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Gulf Coast Tiger17 months
Love and prayers to Greg and his family
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HubbaBubba17 months
This story has really made me think about the recent episodes I've had with vertigo. My doctor explained it away as a malady we face as we age, something to do with the small hairs deep in our ears help regulate the body's equilibrium, but after having multiple episodes of it in the last few months, after reading this, it's very disconcerting, and I will speak to my family doctor about this. When your legs get gimpy under you, and world is swimming in front of your eyes, it's a frightening thing. I used to think vertigo was just people getting butterflies in their stomach looking out over the edge to someplace far below. When you've experienced it, though, it's nothing like that at all. If he's having those kinds of symptoms and they discovered it was caused by a brain tumor, he is one lucky guy.
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BayouBengal9917 months
I mean an MRI is fairly cheap to find out what’s going on. I’ve had vertigo once in my lifetime and it was around age 22 and it’s never occurred again. That could be explained away as your Dr. said but I would absolutely check that out, especially if you’re having any kind of headaches. Dr.s are people just like us and if you have a personal relationship then I’d definitely get another opinion at the very least. I feel for Brooks. Hope he has a full recovery and best wishes to you as well. Check that out!
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kjanchild17 months
I was checked several years ago but it did wind up being an old age issue. Never hurts to find out.
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Giantkiller17 months
I stand with GB3. May God be with this young man.
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TheOldMan17 months
Praying for Greg & his family. Thank God they found this when they did. ????????????
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BassMan6317 months
Many prayers for Greg and his family.
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Water Mocassin17 months
Prayers are with Greg for a complete recovery.
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ColdTurkey17 months
Really puts things in perspective. Thank God he’s still topside with us. He’s always been a high character kid. Praying for Greg and his family.
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LATECHgradLSUfan17 months
Man praying for his parents right now what a tough situation for anyone to go through, especially your child and being helpless to do anything for them. Prayers for a non-cancerous biopsy and a speedy recovery!
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DeafVallyBatnR17 months
I can't even imagine having a child that this happened to.
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One Arm Steve17 months
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One Arm Steve17 months
That was supposed to be a heart, looks like something else lol.

Get better Greg, Tiger nation has your back!
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