Following LSU's 62-0 shutout win over Army on Saturday night, head coach Brian Kelly gave the game ball to LSU's defensive coordinator Matt House and his players.

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One Arm Steve11 months
Y'all notice the same special teams bros at the front of every game ball pic?
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NorthSider7211 months
If they wanted to recognize who made it all possible, the game ball should have been given to Army.
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cajunmud11 months
You mean the Founding Fathers and those saying "fck you" to the king, under penalty of hanging? Army is the king's men nowadays. Sad but true.
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TaderSalad11 months
All it took was an 84 year old consultant
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Red Stick Tigress11 months
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theBru11 months
Guess we will see what shows up in tuskaloossa!
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Gavin Elster11 months
Hope that game ball had a pink slip attached to it.
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Northshoretiger8711 months
Defense can finally handle an opponent. Just had to be a grossly inferior team. Can’t haggle within the sec.
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pkf4lsu11 months
Looks like he’s talking to our 5th team
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slackster11 months
Underrated comment
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