Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
SBNation put together a list of 15 College Football teams with 100 wins since 2003 and LSU came in at No. 2.

"We figure 2015 high school prospects first became aware of sports and which teams were winning a lot in kindergarten or first grade, which would've been around 2003 for most."
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* Non-BCS/automatic-qualifier.
** Non-BCS/automatic-qualifier until 2012.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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timm6971463128 months
go Tigers !
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barry128 months
Shows how f'n ridiculous our fans act
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Dick Macho128 months
"Like PrimeTime Money" said, accomplishing that in the SEC is HUGE while Boise st did it mostly against the group of teams that LSU fans know as "Rent a Wins".

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ballscaster128 months
Alabama only has 88 wins since 2003.
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PrimeTime Money128 months
Being in the SEC, that is a hell of an accomplishment...
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LSU 318 LSU128 months
That's a pretty good statement for our program

Suck it, Chris Petersen
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