Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports
While it still has not been determined whether or not LSU's Javonte Smart will be allowed to play in the SEC Tournament, the freshman guard sent out the following Tweet on Wednesday afternoon:

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LSU is the No. 1 seed in the SEC Tournament and will play the winner of No. 8 Arkansas vs. No. 9 Florida on Friday, March 15 at 12 p.m. CT on ESPN. Complete SEC Tournament bracket.
Filed Under: LSU Basketball
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TennesseeFan2571 months
Today Smart and his teammates he would not continue to play further in the NCAA tournament
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hill durham71 months
would advise him to shut up and let lawyers do the talking.
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Bulldogblitz71 months
Translation: haha it's all true. I getting paid!!!
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LSU Coyote71 months
I don't understand what he is saying.
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demtigers7371 months
didn do muffins!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE GONE!
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The Torch71 months
He's done, will be on an NBA development team next year
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alatxtgr71 months
NCAA is such a spineless POC organization. Things just as blatant as this happen throughout the seasons and no action until eff bee eye gets involved, sit back and then make a ruling.... SAD...
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voodooidotwo71 months
Look, I’m a huge LSU fan and always have been but this looks bad. If he did get paid LSU needs to fire WW and kick this kid off the team. Paying for players is sickening and the players/ people paying should be banned for life.
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voodooidotwo71 months
I’d rather have a losing season than become Alabama.
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Jester71 months
Paying adults what the market determines they are worth is American as frick.
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voodooidotwo71 months
They are getting paid. It’s called a free education, free food and free housing. They travel the country where most would never leave their hometown.
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Miganey71 months
theres enough money to get this dropped, use it
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TOSOV71 months
By the fbi?? Thats why it's going as far as it is. Ncaa wouldnt be doing anything if it werent for the fbi involvement. Yall need to get off the ledge. shite happens
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Drizzt71 months
If you only wanted to hoop, why did you and mom demand the money?
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WhiteMandingo71 months
You act as Javante was ever going to graduate from LSU. He is a borderline 1 and done why not, hes not getting a full free education (his choosing) but the university gets to earn money off his likeness, and money from his hard work on the court. (sec tournament, NCAA tournament and merchandise)
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BowDownToLSU71 months
I would guess that 25 percent of the top players receive a bribe
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JustinT3771 months
@White and Smart gets to pursue his dream while learning. Top notch training, food, living, attire, trainers, workout gym, etc. Smart and others that need to be bribed to pick their school should go play overseas for a year then enter the NBA. The only reason these players get paid is bc other schools are cheating and now it has gotten out of control.
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dagrippa71 months
i don't understand the message
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AustinKnight71 months
He will Tweet the English version later today stay posted
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UptownnMike71 months
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Cycledude71 months
Well hope you get to “hoop” in the sec tournament ! LSU needs you!
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Shortened, incomplete sentences, words, etc...
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Mr. Hangover71 months
Love the message but my god, twitter lingo is so fricking bad
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CaptainPanic71 months
What exactly is "twitter lingo", bub?
user avatar
Cajunomics71 months
It's really difficult typing full sentences in one post on there, because of the limitations in characters allowed. I am not saying this is the case here, but it can be.
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