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A New Jersey high school basketball coach was assaulted Tuesday night, allegedly by his own players...

It happened around 9 p.m. outside Malcolm X. Shabazz High School on Johnson Avenue in Newark.

Authorities say a school official provided police with a social media post of the school employee, a JV coach, being assaulted by members of the basketball team.

The officers reportedly observed four members of the team assaulting the victim after they exited a bus upon returning from a basketball game in Livingston.

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CrusaderInfidel55 months
Malcom X High School...check Newark NJ...check Mayor Raz Baraka...check Teens assaulting person of authority...check Color me shocked it’s African Americans
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Cobb Dawg55 months
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Havoc55 months
Bunch of weak arse bitches.
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TOKEN55 months
I love watching great teamwork!
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lsutigermall55 months
What a bunch of pansies.
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Cadello55 months
I’m guessing they lost their game
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YStar55 months
I knew the racist would flock to this with crazy posts about shooting, killing, etc. You guys are just as useless as those teens.
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HalfCocked55 months
Ever click on your username and just read your posts? Your obsessed with arguing and being self righteous. You should really get that looked at
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PhifeDogg55 months
As useless as those [i]black[\i] teens?
user avatar
Hey buddy, there is one common theme in these...videos. any ideas...
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AR15...(would clear this sitch up)
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SmelvinRat55 months
Oh Spartacus, where art thou?
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NakaTrash55 months
Shoot each and everyone of them in the head and be done with it.
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TampaTiger2255 months
Along with racists
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CanebreakCajun55 months
There’s Tampa with his daily you’re racist comment.
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aremore55 months
Are you kidding me? Those punches from those lightweight punks looked like love taps. Gotta bring more than that Junior. What set them off? Coach make them do suicides? Poor babies.
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SamGinn Cam55 months
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are en route to Newark now to publicly condemn these harmful actions, sending a message to AA adolescents in the US that this is a bad image for all and unacceptable behavior, and to gather the community together to discuss how to tackle this perpetual youth dilemma...
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pellietigersaint55 months
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HalfCocked55 months
I went to a predominately all black high school. I played basketball on an all black team. We had games where I was the only non black in the whole gym (sometimes packed with 2/3k fans). I grew up in all black neighborhoods. In no other culture is it considered cool or normal to jump someone. I avoided this happening to me early on by making it known I'd either kill your arse or permanently handicap you trying. And thats why to this day I carry and I'll kill you without giving it a second thought if you try to jump me. Jumping people is for pussy arse ****s and its a good way to kill somebody or change the course of their life.
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lsu48055 months
You have absolute shite parents for putting you through that dangerous hell but now that you are an adult you should go and forgive them face to face so you can get past the anger
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YStar55 months
You need mental help.
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HalfCocked55 months
My mother raised us the best she could solo. That upbringing has allowed me to see and navigate life in a way you'd be fortunate to have. I have no anger at all about it. But I play no games with beta males who want to jump people. I've seen people end up as vegetables from this nonsense.
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ItNeverRains55 months
If this can happen in Newark it can happen anywhere
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Warfarer55 months
Time to start putting some of these kids down before they get too far.
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Coach7255 months
Cultcha. There must have been a statue or monument nearby that triggered them.
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OU81255 months
Malcolm X. Shabazz High School in Newark, New Jersey...that is all we need to know.
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blzr55 months
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lsuohiofan55 months
Probably play in the next game cause they are "good" boys!
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fisherbm111255 months
I guess I’m the puss here, I was afraid to even talk back to my coaches.
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