High School Player Pulls Her Defender To The Ground By Her Hair Causing Concussion
© Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
During a basketball game in Ohio between Bellevue and Norwalk high schools last weekend, a Belllevue player is seen pulling the hair of the defender after her shot sending her to the ground...

Per TMZ...

The Bellevue player was not called for a foul during the game, but was later suspended one game for her actions.

Now, the Norwalk player's dad is speaking out on the incident ... saying his daughter is still recovering with a severe concussion and needs a brain scan to make sure there isn't any internal bleeding. He claims his daughter is experiencing neck pain, a headache and blurred vision.
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homeless160 months
She was just showing her how her paw paw do this to her in the bed
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bcoop19960 months
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YardEngr1160 months
Open you eyes ref. OMG
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miamitiger60 months
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both refs should be fired immediately.
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TampaTiger2260 months
I would have been beating her dads arse
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drdoct60 months
The bad thing was it looks like 2 referees are looking straight at her and didn't do anything.
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Black n Gold60 months
That attendance was better than most WNBA games.
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SidetrackSilvera60 months
Nothing wrong with a little hustle.
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WhoDatNC60 months
Should be kicked off of team.
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ExpoTiger60 months
I don’t get this kind of shite. Never have. Play the game. Compete. Does she think no one sees her actions??
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kywildcatfanone60 months
She shouldn't every play again for that school
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uofarolltide60 months
White trash
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uofarolltide60 months
White trash
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MIZ_COU60 months
wtf is wrong with white people
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DivePlay60 months
They are learning it from other cultures since it has been normalized.
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LSUtiger8960 months
don't act like its just white people doing this. There is every race that has shitty people like this.
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tketaco60 months
user avatar
T her up and move on. Should not be anything more.
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Bucktail160 months
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GeauxTGRZ60 months
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wizziko60 months
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy60 months
BB is for tPOS
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