This girl gets my respect for attempting to shotgun a beer and escape a frozen lake. I don't see any of you trying this...
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Filed Under: General Sports
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NYCAuburn76 months
This is why these walrus's keep the layer of insulating blubber..
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ByUselves76 months
Didn't realize hippos lived that far north.
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Rex Feral76 months
She knew how to climb out of a frozen lake like that wasn’t her first time falling in. SMH.
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Np5247876 months
Biff’s girlfriend, WOOF...
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AustinKnight76 months
Always hilarious when ur friends almost die
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DawgGONIT76 months
I thought polar bears hibernated during the winter time? At least we know that if they don't hibernate, that they at least are able to find plenty and plenty of foods.
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fr33manator76 months
In the winter, whales must constantly make holes in the ice in order to breathe. Isn’t nature amazing?
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TerryDawg0376 months
That Darwin guy was on to something...
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AUbayedsolid76 months
I didn't know they remade Free Willey
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SomeLSUguy76 months
Like a penguin using their belly to slide across the ice... minus the grace and efficiency that the penguin demonstrates.
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PillageUrVillage76 months
My balls retreated from watching this. For more than one reason.
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LSUDropout76 months
The ice never stood a chance.
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SomeLSUguy76 months
Her swim suit never stood a chance.
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Cheese Grits76 months
Excellent work Larry! Nothing like chilling a big girl down before you ride her like a champion.
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jdevers76 months
That walrus is just trying to get back home...
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jeff7012176 months
She burned some calories there.....
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pjab76 months
10 comments and no Kate Upton jokes.
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CapperVin76 months
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NorthshoreTiger7676 months
Marriage material
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YStar76 months
"Beach whale pollutes, then visually and physically assaults frozen lake and nearby animals"
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beatbammer76 months
She shouldn't be shotgunning brewskis while she's pregnant.
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