Videos of Rutgers basketball coach Mike Rice throwing balls at players, cursing at them, shoving them and calling them homophobic slurs has been obtained by ESPN. Check it out...

Filed Under: General Sports
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Bobby Knight138 months
I am Bobby Knight, and I approve of this video.
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lsutothetop138 months
Thug POS
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skullopener138 months
ooohhh my blood is boiling!!! I would beat the crap outta him!!!
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ForeverLSU02138 months
He gone
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ShuckJordan138 months
Can't believe that one of those players didn't go after his butt.
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Martini138 months
Why are the players taking that shite? He'd hit me once with a ball.
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Broham138 months
Dude needs an arse whoopin.
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Haplochrom138 months
how is **** a homophobic slur? a slur, maybe... but homophobic??? c'mon larry.
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Woverw138 months
Time to up the valproate dosage. Geeezzzz!
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Hook Em Horns138 months
please ohhhh please let me in a room with this guy for 10 mins. And i will throw bballs at him and see how he likes it
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CtotheVrzrbck138 months
pussification of America comment.
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Tactical Insertion 138 months
GENRO----> I'm having flashbacks to peewee bball practice lol
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Ignignot138 months
i actually wanna fight the guy
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DrakeLSU138 months
Finally something relevant
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