I don't know how I feel about Northwestern's new uniforms. They look like those fake bathing suits painted onto models...

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Filed Under: General Sports
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Kong146 months
Lose the chest stripe and they look pretty cool.
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Matisyeezy146 months
Weird retro/modern fusion. Not in a bad way; I actually kind of like it for a team like Northwestern that has no real "brand."
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Broham146 months
I like em
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Pankins146 months
Sweet racing stripe. They're gonna fly in those things.
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crazyLSUfan146 months
I actually like them! Wouldn't want them for LSU, but for Northwestern? Cool!
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AtlBrett146 months
looks like stripes on a crayon?
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pellietigersaint146 months
I have seen worse
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CHSvideoman146 months
what do the helmets look like?
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Mr. Hangover146 months
those high top cleats are fricking retarded
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