The NFL moved up their kickoffs last season to reduce possible injuries and now the NCAA football rules committee has proposed moving their kickoffs from the 30-yard line to the 35 for the same reason. The committee also proposed a rule that would require a player who loses his helmet during a play to stop participating and leave the game for one play, and proposed changes to rules regarding blocking below the waist and blocking on punt returns. All rules change recommendations must be approved by the playing rules oversight panel, which meets Feb. 21.

Filed Under: General Sports
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crazyLSUfan155 months
Haha, helmet rip-off rule. Brilliant! Just keep ripping the helmet off the opposing teams' best player!!!
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CapitalCityTiger155 months
So if you rip off an opponenets helmet, then he has to sit out the next play? That sounds like a really good rule.
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stonedbegonias155 months
Lets get rid of pads completely, the players could wear these colored strips of material dangling from their waists, once an opposing player grabs said material then the play is over.
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