John Krahn is a 6'9, 410 pound high schooler who got to score a touchdown at running back for team USA, who took on Canada in the International Bowl. This is a sight to see...

Dude needs help getting into his jersey...
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He's going to be playing college ball at Riverside Community College in southern California.
Filed Under: General Sports
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11thACR103 months
Get a Bigger Jersey son...lose some weight and gain some speed...
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TigahTeeth103 months
Why exactly is he playing running back???
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houndstoothbandit103 months
Step away from the phone Les.
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Spirit of Dunson103 months
Country cornfed... Except he's from Riverside Calif. More like suburban wheatgerm-fed.
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saint tiger225103 months
Holy shite, that's a big ole boy right there. I guess that's the definition of being a country "cornbread fed" boy.
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