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re: 12 Year Old Girl with BPD

Posted by Lokistale on 5/23/24 at 12:41 pm
Intense inpatient treatment of at least 3 weeks, time needed for anti-psychotic medication adjustments takes 3-4 weeks. Also, make sure that her behavior issues are not secondary to other medical conditions. There is a rare condition called Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis that can have dramatic p...
The bald dude in lower left corner, "This shite again?"...
In high school, I attempted to cheat on my civics test. During study hall, I spent a great deal of time to make an elaborate tiny cheat sheet that I can take out of my pocket during the test. However, while taking the test, I found that making the cheat sheet actually helped me study, and I a...
It's not really that hard to cheat anymore. Most exams are given through computers, students do not need to come to class anymore to take exams. The computer exams have 'monitoring software' but there are ways to get around the camera systems. My daughter's sophomore exams this year, only org...
Also, this parody is pretty spot on... [link=(https://youtu.be/rbfccVBo9tE?si=cY8iZcAeuY4-r3Lr)]"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!!"[/link]...
Better be careful... if the rotary hunger strikes fail, these students will resort to self-immolation. Except in rotary fashion, each day of protest, one person will touch a hot iron or candle stick... they will show the world that they mean business!!! ...
[quote]OK, the downs syndrome one was just wrong [/quote] "If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son I got 47 chromosomes but a bitch ain't one..."...
[quote]I recently ran into the Trapped Water Dilemma and the effect it is having on the planet.[/quote] Remember photosynthesis? Plants are literally consuming billions of gallons of water all over the world. Plants are not just trapping water, but they are destroying the water molecules....
[quote]And that has been going on since the beginning of time? I've never heard of that.[/quote] Dude... you are making my eye lid twitch... just google it....
[quote]I actually read that last week as part of my research for this post. I think the problem is science doesn't know what will happen if you start to move that water to the surface. It could be catastrophic.[/quote] Have you 'researched' how much earth water escapes our atmosphere and lost to ...
[quote]Louisiana is right by the Gulf of Mexico. It’s an unlimited water supply for summer rains.[/quote] [quote]OysterPoBoy says no bro, that's salt water.[/quote] Also said that rainwater falls out of the sky, not from ocean water......
[quote]This is why we need the polar ice caps to melt.[/quote] [quote]That's salt water. [/quote] Wow......

re: What sport is easiest to excel in?

Posted by Lokistale on 3/21/24 at 2:42 pm
What sport requires [b]the least fit[/b] to excel? [b]Cornhole[/b] [img]https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/public/YU4VDPQWPUI63OMYWKVWR5MENA_size-normalized.jpg[/img] [img]https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/postandcourier.com/content/tncms/arse...
So wait... does that mean that costal countries at or near the equator don't have hurricanes?...
[quote]Hate,to break it to you but that is pretty much all Drs.do this day(not specialists) It’s called protocols.So many Drs work for hospitals or other health care entities and they have to follow protocols.[/quote] True, there are protocols for different medical conditions. However, there are c...
I have seen the amount of training they are getting and it's not much. MD's must go the med school for 4 years and residency for at least 3 years in primary care and 5+ years to specialize before they can practice. NP's training is only about 2 years or less. Most just practice cook-book med...
What's that old joke? "Bet she whistles like a flute when she walks"...
[quote] One can't help but think this case would make bigger waves if the races were reversed.[/quote] Yeah, trying to make this into a racial thing... except that the pattern for media sensationalism is always when the victim is young. white and female......
A more important date was when the toilet paper shortage began... I forgot was it before the lockdown, during, or after......
[quote]“She said, ‘I can assure you that your kid’s safety is my number one priority, and [b]no males are allowed in female dorms[/b], and [b]no females are allowed in male dorms[/b].’ [/quote] According to the page below, he identified as "Trans-femme intersex [b]non-binary[/b]", which mean [u]h...