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re: The WHO pandemic treaty has FAILED!

Posted by G2160 on 5/26/24 at 2:47 pm
[quote]Trump issued more of a pocket mandate, than executive orders; however it was TRUMP who got the ball rolling on "flatten the curve" and closing down "nonessential businesses" and declaring employees "nonessential", and shuttering schools and churches. This man basically created societal mayhem...
Lucas has taken up a lot of stupid leftist causes. I’m ok with them eating their own while highlighting their hypocrisy....
[quote]This is the most frightening thing I have seen all week.[/quote] Westpoint is academia and “the system”. Most people associated with the place will be biden supporters....

re: Saturday Baseball Thread

Posted by G2160 on 5/18/24 at 9:04 pm
[quote]They are just so awkward. [/quote] Cheer up, it’s going to get worse. We’re going to frick your mouth in football, again, too....

re: Houston baws. Y’all holding up?

Posted by G2160 on 5/16/24 at 8:29 pm
[quote]Tornado video was sent to my wife (no pics) from her friend in the cypress area that was stuck out in this shite[/quote] [link=(https://x.com/fox4lauren/status/1791255985924804724?s=46&t=bPARZaK2MVJolbMvBgyR4w)]Twitter cypress tornado[/link]...
[quote]Jesus dude. You ever see crew quarters on these boats?[/quote] They aren’t spending their time off in a 4 BR 2800sf house with 2 central AC units and running around in their bay boat while collecting a salary. They are coming from the 3rd world and making shitty money. But the meter i...
[quote]Living on board is probably better than the living conditions of some of the countries that they are from.[/quote] In my experience, most of these 3rd world crews would work offshore as long as you would let them. And these were in living conditions I assume are worse than this ship. T...
[quote]Is it anymore unbelievable than the folks on here who all claim to be 6’2 225 ripped with a supermodel wife bench 500 pounds make $400k a year live in a mansion in the best neighborhood on the highest hill and can drive a golf ball 300 yards? [/quote] You’re using a long-running and we...
[quote]Have you ever talked to a woman? Had sex with one? Asked them what they like and don't like? I have and I have had sex with over 500 of them.[/quote] Setting aside that you’re either lying, a male hooker, sleeping with unique hookers, a famous porn star, or have zero standards, how in the ...
I wouldn’t think it would be newsworthy that there were alligators in Waco. They certainly aren’t rare further downstream along the Brazos river....
[quote]Baw, Id read this as an argument for climate change. Wild variations from the norm and extra precip (warmer planet, more water vapor in air). [/quote] We were told that climate change caused the drought we had last year....
[quote]As much as I love anything Larry David creates, he also supports the groups that destroy everything they touch.[/quote] Need to know who jerry voted for in the last election, and whether he will publicly endorse opposition to whoever left rolls out in 2024. Otherwise, this is meaningles...

re: Can this 747 take off?

Posted by G2160 on 4/11/24 at 12:58 pm
[quote]Well, this is wrong. The plane is supported by the wheels which are in contact with the treadmill. There's no way for the plane to move forward under the hypo.[/quote] The wheels are not in contact with the plane, at least in the direction of takeoff in this 1 dimensional thought exercise....

re: Can this 747 take off?

Posted by G2160 on 4/11/24 at 12:03 pm
I don’t think this argument, which requires you to disregard friction, the impracticality of a 747 treadmill, or any other number of real world conditions, was designed to get people thinking about lift, negative feedback loops, or the speed of the conveyor. It was designed to think about how the...

re: Can this 747 take off?

Posted by G2160 on 4/10/24 at 10:56 pm
[quote]It clearly says the treadmill goes as fast as the wheels. So no matter how much throttle the pilot applies, the plane stays stationary.[/quote] I think we would all agree that a plane could fly at a constant speed 10ft above a treadmill moving in an opposite direction but equal speed. Th...

re: Can this 747 take off?

Posted by G2160 on 4/10/24 at 6:44 pm
[quote]If you put a jet engine with wheels on a treadmill, and the engine has a max speed of, say, 800 mph, and the treadmill is moving at the exact same speed in the opposite direction, 800 mph, your stance is that the jet engine would move forward? [/quote] The engine would move forward even ...

re: Can this 747 take off?

Posted by G2160 on 4/10/24 at 4:46 pm
You could start this experiment with the treadmill spinning backwards at 1000mph and the plane tethered in place. As long as the plane is generating forward thrust and the wheels are free to spin, the plane will go forward when the tether is released....

re: Can this 747 take off?

Posted by G2160 on 4/10/24 at 4:34 pm
The engines push against air around the plane (or in proportion to the mass flow rate of exhaust out of the engine), not the ground. The free-spinning wheels make the conveyor irrelevant....

re: GA Judge Mcafee in Rico case

Posted by G2160 on 3/20/24 at 12:07 pm
[quote]Do you think the judge just jumps over the bench and arrests them himself, like Judge Dredd? [/quote] Because this is a claim anyone was making? Is it tiring being the contentious edgelord douchebag in every thread?...