Favorite team:Tulane 
Number of Posts:537
Registered on:5/23/2013
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My only qualm with your logic is that the Biden admin / DNC cabal would knowingly do/allow something that would have an outcome in favor of Donald. If anything they’d probably try and spin a terror attack as Trump’s fault. ...
[quote]Reduced infection rates[/quote] Yeah, ok. Seems like the people who repeatedly get Covid are the ones with the vax and boosters. Plus you still have no idea what long term effects may manifest. ...
Gun to my head, I’m taking the national vehicle of lesbians over a rubber ducky dash jeep. ...
Do you feel embarrassed for yourself or the brand by the other jeep drivers who litter their car with these toys? It’s hilarious to see so many of these souped up, lifted jeeps being driven by some baw with 3 layers of those ghey ducks on the dash. ...
One of the great things about animals is that we can’t understand what they’re saying. Sitting in quiet and petting my dogs is one of my favorite things to do. I think it’s best to just leave some things a mystery. ...
My grandparents have LSU yearbooks from my dad / uncles from the late 70s - mid 80s. Always a trip to look at and appreciate how awesome that period was. ...
I loathe that woman. Her music and persona at this point is so bland, vapid, and disingenuous. I feel embarrassed for the 30-40 year old women who claim to be Swifties. They usually live alone with multiple cats and are alcoholics. ...
They won’t. They didn’t last go round. Benefits of working for a smaller company owned by conservatives. If everything goes digital, then I guess I’m fricked, but I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m pretty good at dodging these psyops so far lol. ...
That’s cool, I’m still not going to listen just like in 2020 and 2021. ...
Luckily Louisiana’s school Choice bill will allow such upstanding young men to now be in class with your kids!...
In the next 10-15 years we will see the results of the greatest lie ever told to women by modern feminism: you and your career/personal ambitions etc. are the most important thing in life, and way more important than settling down and having children. My wife has several friends who are now mid-...

re: Sleep restriction for insomnia

Posted by Tommy Noble on 3/26/24 at 2:44 pm
When you wake up after 4-5 hours are you feeling anxious and just tossing and turning? Have you tried getting out of bed and doing something menial for 20-30 minutes and then trying to go back to sleep? ...
This is completely false. The guy talks about ending government corruption constantly (which is tied closely to certain large corporations.) ...

re: Are we still ignoring RFK Jr.?

Posted by Tommy Noble on 3/8/24 at 8:50 am
I’ll get flamed by Trump ultra-loyalists and Ron bots, but this country would be in very good hands with RFK Jr. He’s a sensible, extremely intelligent, patriotic guy who you can tell is pained by what the US has become. There's a reason the DNC has gone to the lengths it has to sabotage his cam...
Lazy, pot head liberal rejoices not having any responsibility other than himself. More news at 9. ...
FWIW, my wife wants to move back. I’m going to fight it as long as I can, but I’m sure sooner or later I’ll be bitching about the pumps down the road :lol:...
Western North Carolina. Im sure you’re asking so you can try and find some reason to shite on where I live to make yourself feel better, but you needn’t. It was just a joke poking fun at the infrastructure in my home town and the overly defensive people who still live there. ...
I moved away from New Orleans 2.5 years ago to a place with functioning infrastructure. That’s all you need to know. And t00f, take another hit of the copium, brother. ...