Favorite team:Georgia 
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Registered on:11/20/2012
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[quote]Poor guy was just trying to get a little action from an older divorcee, then a jealous meth-fueled ex-NFL player showed up wielding a knife.[/quote] In Ron's case, the Juice wasn't worth the squeeze....
I mean, we are all hired killers if the price is right....
More BS from congress. Do we really think Garland's DOJ will prosecute?...
[quote]Guilty on all counts! What is pops gonna do?[/quote] Nothing, because he won't spend a day in jail....
[quote]When democrats compare Trump to Hitler, where does this come from?[/quote] The reason I see most referenced in leftist thought is that Hitler used populist political strategy to seduce the German people. Recall that Germany was a defeated and humiliated country post WW1. Hitler raised the ...
pretty sure those are widely used over on the Aggies board....
it's all in the language they use. "It has all the earmarks of a russian disinformation" or "It has the same elements" or "It appears to be" They won't pay for it at all....
[quote]Enough emails, voice mails, invoices and bank records to blow Joe's multiple assertions that he had no involvement in Hunter's or Jim's business dealings the frick out of the water and proved he was lying for YEARS. Joe wasn't the product that Hunter & James were peddling. It was Joe's acce...
Doo doo doo doo, doo doo, doo wah! [Verse] It doesn't matter what comes Fresh goes better in life With Mentos fresh and full of life Nothing gets to you Staying fresh, staying cool With Mentos, fresh and full of life! [Chorus] Fresh goes better Mentos freshness Fresh goes better With...
[quote]Meawhile when that white kid shot up the black church they released his note as fast as they could[/quote] well yeah, how else do you intend to stir up an emotional response? Holding it back too long like this just makes people go "told you so"....
3301 bat signal? Do you guys believe the mysterious group is behind Q?...
I dont know why this guy comes immediately to mind. [img]https://preview.redd.it/3cwa5pnqi7o21.png?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b5345087f107da8f8fb4605e8726ef1f35ccf937[/img]...
Those tictacs were specially made for Trump so his hands look larger....
[quote]So it's okay if they shuffle you off to a camp so long as they lie to you about where you're going and hold your hand as they do it. Gotcha.[/quote] No I’m not advocating for anything that democrats are currently doing. I’m saying that the Blackstone formulation is a fundamental cornerston...
[quote]Why would you believe Bukele would be willing to use his "newfound powers" to lock up his political opposition?[/quote] How many examples of charismatic leaders beloved by their people taking power do we need throughout history?...
That's not a marriage, it's a business partnership....
[quote]How is that different than what the Democrats are doing now?[/quote] They are at least still trying to maintain the illusion of a justice system. Even though they are doing it badly....
[quote]Well, if Bukele is an "authoritarian" the El Salvadorans certainly respect and love him. His majorities are huge now and their lives have been changed for the better. [/quote] Locking up people without due process just because you "know" they are criminals sounds fine, but it's a power tha...
[quote]Trump will win Georgia by 8+[/quote] Don’t be so sure. I’ve lived here all my life and don’t for one second underestimate the effect of trump being a “convicted felon”. This state has liberals and religious right. Lots of them are going to have a hard time turning out for Trump whether you...