Favorite team:Alabama 
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Registered on:9/8/2012
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[quote]They also tend to consistently ignore or blow right by questions challenging the opportunity that conservatives had over and over to make a difference. History for them begins in 2016. Some of them also can’t help themselves but take broadsides at the working class (trailer park observatio...

re: Saban mentioned it last weekend

Posted by prattalumni on 5/17/24 at 6:19 am
We've witnessed the greed of the NCAA, Universities, and TV conglomerates. Then we witnessed the greed of head coaches and their agents. We are now witnessing the greed of athletes and their families. Greed will be the downfall of college ball for all involved. We just all need Jesus....
Ever notice the complete absence of poliboard super lawyers (of the establishment persuasion) on these recent 2020 election news stories?....

re: RINO is no longer a valid term

Posted by prattalumni on 5/8/24 at 6:46 pm
[quote]Why are you changing the subject away from Trump?[/quote] Answer him...
They need these messages to be false, otherwise us Trump tards were right about, well everything. ...
The worst thing for the marxists is independent news. They can't control everyone, and moments like this are where I thank God for technology. Congrats on your independence. I too ignore and pray against their satanic deception. ...
[quote]I don’t believe God wants us to live in fear of him,[/quote] Proverbs 1:7 [7] The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverb 9:10 [10] “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is un...
[quote]been that way for 10 years now.[/quote] Unfortunately everyone hears the peaceful message of Yeshua (Jesus) and do not include any penalty for sin. Most of the modern Christians are a hedonistic version of what the actual first century believers were. They love those concerts and fun cen...
[quote]Abraham and Hagar's son Ishmael Genesis 16: 11 The angel of the Lord also said to her: “You are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son. You shall name him Ishmael,[a] for the Lord has heard of your misery. 12 He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against every...
[quote]You can't pick a beginning or who started it...[/quote] Let me introduce to you a little book called Genesis......
[quote]I swear to god, yall will believe ANYTHING if it fits what you want to believe, but since a lot of you are pro-law and order. Here are some facts from the FBI's website, not some stupid BS source.[/quote] You mean like refusing to acknowledge widespread fraud even when presented evidence j...
Amen brother. Yeshua be forever with you....
[quote]Was hoping they kicked Lake out.[/quote] Was hoping she'd become your momma and ground you from the poli board....

re: Is the IRS racist?

Posted by prattalumni on 4/15/24 at 1:28 pm
We must now abolish the IRS due to systemic racism....

re: Official A-Day Game Thread

Posted by prattalumni on 4/13/24 at 3:35 pm
I have to say it is quite concerning there are no 3 and outs or anything. Every QB so far is moving the ball with a fair amount of ease....
[quote]I wish I could say that makes you idiots, but that would portend you maybe having the essence of a plan[/quote] Didn't Einstein mention something about insanity as doing the same thing over and over expecting different results? Your Bush boys led to these results. Are you for huge me...
[quote]Yes, Donny Trump....the victim. A man that has his own 757. Shits on a gold toilet (or used to) Owned casinos and led them to bankruptcy and was able to get advantageous terms in the bankruptcy. Donny was sooooo victimized that when thing were tough for him financially around 2000, some frien...

re: Anyone with ESPN plus experience

Posted by prattalumni on 3/22/24 at 7:51 am
Interesting. I remember the days of justin tv or whatever, and i would watch those free. If I had to, i could go that route, but I'd prefer the traditional setup. I appreciate the tip though and will file that one as an alternate plan if the OG plan doesn't work out....

Anyone with ESPN plus experience

Posted by prattalumni on 3/22/24 at 6:54 am
I hope I can get an answer since this might be my first year without YouTubeTV. I was looking to get an ESPN+ subscription this year to watch college football this upcoming season and was hoping I could see most games, but I wasn't sure if it works that way. I know there are no DVR capabilities, b...