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Registered on:10/11/2005
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[quote] Ah, those people. Yeah let’s root against our boys and our country because of some rainbow numbers. fricking pathetic.[/quote] Exactly why pander to the 1% of the country that is mentally ill instead wearing only red white and blue. You know the actual colors of our country. They are t...
The fact they continue to push this gay shite makes me wonder if they actually want to grow the sport. We deserve to lose wearing this...
France is who I think of. You have PSG and then nothing else in the League One, but they are always a favorite in any competition they play in. Welsh domestic teams are part of EFL /EPL right? Cardiff plays in the EPL when they can get it together so not sure Wales has a true domestic league ...
[quote]quote: It's an Echo Chamber on the Left. Only on the left....[/quote] You seriously think anyone from the National networks is covering this from the right side of the political spectrum? Please let me know who is sharing an opposing view that is sent out over our main 3 nati...
[quote] I e-mailed him (Cassidy - LA) and told him he's a rino![/quote] I just did the same. Told him how spineless and slimy he is. I hate that man so much. He has done nothing but vote against everything Conservatives stand for. I don't know how he looks at himself each day with that stupi...
Cocaine Mitch is about as Republican as Cassidy....
Nice to get 3 points and be top of the table to start the new year. I agree we should pay the young guys for the FA cup and focus on the league. Up The Reds! ...
The fact they are still only charging him with some tax evasion and a gun charge when the sitting President's son has committed TREASON is still an issue but at least we have some sort of blind justice being applied here and not just letting it all go away. I'm grateful that judge actually stood ...
That's great news!! Finally someone with a little bit of sense that is actually in a position of power and doing something. Every 3 letter agency in DC should be done away with at this point. They are all in opposition to the American people. We are at the point where it's "Show me the man and ...
[quote]Plot twist: The Bible is not talking about the modern-day nation state of Israel.[/quote] Please enlighten us on who the Bible is referencing then. Since Mike and I are aligned on this point and religious wackos, I really want to hear who you say God was talking about. If it's not the Je...
[quote]I find it embarrassing that he thinks the Bible mandates that the United States unequivocally support Israel.[/quote] So you don't think the Bible says that we should support the Jewish people? Ever heard of the Abrahamic Covenant? I believe that is one the main things that we as a na...
[quote] Johnson’s statements on the Bible and Israel were embarrassing.[/quote] What statements exactly? Are you embarrassed that someone actually has moral standards and will not cower to the leftists that preach tolerance (as long as it is the tolerance they want) ...
That power has to be stored in batteries. All EV have to run off of batteries. CCP Owns 77% of the worlds production of batteries....CCP Owns Washington DC [link=(https://www.visualcapitalist.com/chinas-dominance-in-battery-manufacturing/)]CCP Owns battery manufacturing[/link] :usa: :usa:...

Cassidy is the definition of RINO

Posted by rtiger on 8/21/23 at 9:02 am
He's on 710 KEEL talking about Trump needing to drop out and Trump can't beat Biden. HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS GUY in DC representing this state. I don't care if you hate Trump. The fact that everyone in DC is this scared of him running and winning tells me all I need to know. They are scared...

re: Leagues Cup

Posted by rtiger on 8/6/23 at 7:40 pm
[quote]Sucks it’s not on tv Would have been perfect to have on FS1 tonight[/quote] It's so stupid that Apple puts this stuff behind the paywall. I have a group text with some guys that never watch soccer but asked what channel it was one since nothing else on. When I told them you have to pa...
Saw them both times in Dallas when they did the Summer Sanitarium Tours in early 00s. First tour they played with Korn and both were on stage at the same time playing each others songs. I think that only happened in Dallas at the old stadium in Irving. Was hot as balls but awesome. Never seen ...
[quote]Lmao he’s taking himself out the race by continually breaking the law and throwing a tantrum when it finally catches up to him. His only hope is to have his brainwashed sycophants try to break him out of jail[/quote] At what point do you realize that they are just using process crimes fo...
[quote]quote: The election was stolen. A substantial number of trump-appointed judges seem to disagree with you. In fact, this indictment alleges that even Trump disagrees with you, and lied to you knowing you’ll drink what ever koolaid daddy mixes up for you.[/quote] So it was completely...
Can't allow for any actual facts to get in the way of the narrative. “‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’”...