Favorite team:Houston Astros 
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Registered on:4/16/2012
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Before the game today they were projected as 3 seed still by Baseball America and D1Baseball. There's literally nothing on their resume that says they should host. -3 of their 4 series wins in conference were the 3 teams that finished below them. -They were beaten by 10 four times in Conferenc...
Anyone know how Magnolia / backend of The Woodlands area faired last night? I had to come to Louisiana last night for something today and still fairly new to the area and don't know a lot of people around us yet. House is literally about as far back in The Woodlands you can go, would really consi...
Am I losing my mind or they calling Florida the 1991 CWS Runner Up? That would certainly be Wichita State....

re: Nerves as a Coach

Posted by Rabbs and QStick on 5/6/24 at 2:06 pm
It definitely gives me a whole new appreciation for my dad coaching 3 different sports for all the years he did. ...
[quote]Take it off the market, spruce it up, take new pics, and then re-list at a more realistic price with an open house[/quote] This. Our house was on market from November until first week of March. The open house had one person show up I believe. The biggest value was when we took it off the m...
[quote]I would’ve thought taking 2 of 3 from the #1 team would move us up more than 8 spots.[/quote] If it would have been on the road it would have. You don't get as big of boost at Home...
[quote]Ive seen the pirates pitching this year..and he might already be their best pitcher.[/quote] Maybe, but they also have a guy named Jared Jones who's fastball and slider have been rating in top 5 in MLB this year....
[quote]how the hell do they keep gettiig hammered in the first round.[/quote] Well they made the conference Finals last year and last time lost in First Round was 2021 and pretty much played that Series without AD [still went 6 games]. That Suns team went on to make Finals that year, so I wouldn'...
Not sure what you believe LSU's RPI is, but its 42 currently. They would not be in with RPI of 42 right now. ETA: Let me clarify, 42 is not good enough when you get the auto boosts to the ranking just being in the SEC...
[quote]Not disputing that. But last year's team would've been curbstomped by this year's Astros and White Sox.[/quote] Considering last year's team went 5-1 vs Astros, I don't think you are correct....
My bad, misread your comment. I'd argue those people have no clue what they're talking about as well. Duke really wasn't much of a program until late 80s and early 90s also. Are they not considered a blue blood?...
Are you really comparing LSU and Arkansas history in basketball? It's not comparable. Arkansas went to more Sweet 16s in that 7 year stretch from 89-95 than LSU has in last 42 years :lol: :lol: ETA: My bad misread LSU baseball as LSU basketball....
I understand Kentucky's history, but a lot of these comments are clearly by people who don't understand Arkansas has shown they can be a top program. I think the hire benefits both parties because it will put fire back in Cal to prove something. ...
[quote]Is he originally from Arkansas? This is just such a random move.[/quote] The amount of people that don't seem to understand or know Arkansas' history with basketball is insane. They went to 3 Final 4s from 1990-1995 [4 Elite 8s in that time]. Won title in 1994 and lost in title game in...

re: Do you believe Shohei?

Posted by Rabbs and QStick on 3/26/24 at 12:36 pm
[quote]doesn't even impact the on-field product[/quote] Some of the "coincidences" that line up with huge bets in his hometown with his crap performances say you may be wrong here. The details of those parlays on $1 mil + bets is absolutely insane for all of those to be coincidences [all games he...
[quote]which is ironic because talk about a group of people who got off without being punished[/quote] MLB doesn't know half the details if they weren't given immunity. Say you don't know what you're talking about without saying it....
Sounds like your anger is misguided and should be more at the Athletic department for letting the NCAA investigate when they easily could have taken the other approach....
Difference is Auburn and Kansas told the NCAA to F off. LSU did not. NCAA basically couldn't do anything to do those programs because they wouldn't let them in the door. LSU did. Once again know what you're talking about before speaking dumbass. ETA: I'm not even a CMM guy. I'm just not stupid an...
Not when everyone jumped ship and no one wanted to come here out of fear of sanctions. At least know what you are talking about before you speak bro....
[quote]facher08[/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaXptcGpkaXAzdHY5empka3V2OTQwNngxa250eGY2MW5jaWozdWZpbCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3oEdv6sy3ulljPMGdy/giphy.gif[/img]...