Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Biography:New Orleans born Aggie.
Interests:technology, beer, conference realignment
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Registered on:4/10/2012
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re: Elko Era

Posted by cardboardboxer on 6/13/24 at 11:39 am
Who knows? Its a great feeling actually, having a new coach that his own brand like the last one. We have amazing QB talent and Elko has done good in the portal so I have high hopes. ...
At this point it would be disappointing if I did....
That will be the footnote to Trump’s political career then....
It is weird seeing MAGA cosplay as tough guys for years and then when shite actually hits the fan all the Trump supporters are too comfy in their lives to actually do anything....

re: A&M cringe #9,658,395,091

Posted by cardboardboxer on 5/30/24 at 12:02 pm
The weird shite doesn't change how well the football players play. There was a time 15 years ago when it could be argued that the weird shite hurt our recruiting, but nowadays it just means we have to cut bigger NiL checks. ...
If I have to choose between that and the Fed fixing it out the back door by inflating the debt away via a tax on everyone I would much rather increase taxes on people making over $200k. Plus you add in means testing benefits and it’s more like 10+ years of solvency....
We need to uncap social security taxes it would fix a lot of problems regarding the deficit ...
Prior to the director being a count was Home Alone 2 one of your favorite Christmas movies?...
And Bitcoin has had a 108.27% compound annual growth rate since 2011. ...
Never going to happen, Fox News made AOC a rallying point for younger progressive women. They will follow her to the end. ...
Commercial real estate is fricked, that is why there is such a big top down push to end work from home because either these buildings get filled or the economy will crash. ...
[quote]Honest question here, can someone explain to me: if Russia wants to get Ukraine back, why no all-out assault? [/quote] They started there, they tried to "shock and awe" straight to Kiev at first. They failed because the old Soviet military has been eaten alive with corruption and malaise, ...
[quote]This is society these days more worried about well being of animals than babies being killed and cut up to pieces. [/quote] That is what happens when most young families can only afford a "fur baby" and not a real one. Parenthood forces a huge shift in perspective. ...
I agree with all this except the gold part, that is the Boomer answer. Bitcoin is the Millennial gold. Get ready for targets of 4% inflation its is a tax from the Fed that no politician has to lose their job over. ...

re: RINO is no longer a valid term

Posted by cardboardboxer on 5/10/24 at 10:53 am
[quote] If you are conservative, you cannot be a RINO. It goes against the literal definition of RINO. Trump is a RINO.[/quote] Great way of proving the useless of the term RINO. The truth is MAGA isn't Republican. MAGA are the true RINOs. Republican post Reagan means wanting to in...
But your basketball team is talk of the town at the moment....
so the admins could just leave the coaching changes board open 365 without them brigading it with threads about their football staff every time another team scores a touchdown or their receivers drop a ball. We all know that’s why Chicken closes it, he doesn’t want to have to deal with the mob m...