Favorite team:USA 
Location:the Laurentian Abyss
Biography:Edison was a poser.
Interests:Wireless energy transmission
Occupation:Ne'er-do-well inventor
Number of Posts:8037
Registered on:12/27/2011
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

[quote]what a dumb bitch[/quote] Found the fluffer....
[quote]Hunter started fricking Beau’s widow pretty much immediately after his death?[/quote] You sure about that “after” part?...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Tesla on 6/10/24 at 12:25 am
[quote]In nautical tradition, flying a flag upside down is a signal of distress or danger. This practice has its roots in maritime history, where ships would invert their national flag to signal that they were in trouble and needed assistance. This signal was used to convey a sense of urgency and to...
[quote]She needs to trade that.38 for a .40 or .45.[/quote] You misspelled, “a minigun.” :lol:...
[quote]Eat less garbage.[/quote] :lol: Not that you’re wrong, but you realize that this kind of misplaced sanctimonious, unsolicited advice is why people don’t invite you to more parties, right?...
[quote]So every gun?[/quote] Not every gun. You’ll be allowed to keep your Marlin Model 60 .22 unless you swap out its wood furniture with something black and scary. Tacti-cool ups the lethality, too, you know....
[quote]By the way, I'm talking about Russia, not the US.[/quote] The fact that you have to make that distinction says a lot about where we are today....
[quote]Who, beyond dumb bitch from GA, wants to impeach him 5 months from the election?[/quote] Anyone who believes in the rule of law applied equally, which is to say no democrats, should be fine with it. But in this fricked up world, none of it matters because there is no equal application of th...
They always get my hopes up and then puss out....
“Black Supremacist” isn’t the right term. I’m positive that she doesn’t think that blacks are superior to whites. She just hates white people. Probably because everything she is able to do in her chosen field is only possible because of white people. “Anti-white” is probably the right term. ...
[quote]we can achieve total victory[/quote] Who said anything about victory? Do you know how bad that would be for the unipary’s portfolios? Surely you jest....
[quote]Again keep downvoting, if you’ve never been a recruiter[/quote] You being a recruiter explains so much about your challenges with the truth. Just curious, what do you have to score on the ASVAB for “recruiter” to show up on your choices? :lol:...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Tesla on 6/3/24 at 5:01 pm
[quote] Number of Posts: 27 Registered on: 7/18/2023[/quote] frick off, alter....
[quote]We know 3 No votes exist, and Roberts is unlikely to get involved b/c he hates the court being seen as political. You just need one of ACB, Kavabaugh, or Gorsuch.[/quote] Like the NRA case?...

re: Mexico? What’s up down there?

Posted by Tesla on 6/3/24 at 5:50 am
[link=(https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/assassinated-candidates-mexico/2024/06/01/id/1167093/)]Newsmax[/link] Here was my reference. It’s a boatload, either way....

re: Mexico? What’s up down there?

Posted by Tesla on 6/3/24 at 5:40 am
Well, they murdered 37 candidates for office as of yesterday. That’s not hyperbole…37 candidates murdered. My guess is she is their accountant’s wife....
[quote]So does your family know you’re a groomer or have you managed to keep that a secret?[/quote] I’m sure some of them do....

re: Canada and UK says Trump can't visit

Posted by Tesla on 6/2/24 at 7:30 pm
We have laws about keeping criminals out but your fricking god, Joe Biden, is subverting America by preventing good men from enforcing them....

re: Canada and UK says Trump can't visit

Posted by Tesla on 6/2/24 at 7:28 pm
[img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRuEH8l3g0xHHu20pk4HF7wdrrw0sTQ7A55NlOf3gEM5A&s[/img] I can’t believe you know so much about Canada but not that. I was in Toronto last week as half of our company is Canadian. I assure you, the city folks are absolutely subjects of th...

re: Canada and UK says Trump can't visit

Posted by Tesla on 6/2/24 at 1:57 pm
[quote]Makes no sense to me.[/quote] Because you’re a communist indoctrinated moron. Castro’s kid is turning Canada into a communist state. This would be the perfect opportunity to completely nuke NAFTA. ...