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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:9/13/2005
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[quote]This would be effective if the election were next week.[/quote] Zero doubt about this. [quote]By November no one will give two shits.[/quote] I hope you're right. Dems definitely shot their shot too soon with this conviction, but the media is going to beat this drum incessantly (that...
[quote]I hope that is a parody and the general public doesn't actually act and speak that way.[/quote] Do you live under a rock or have you not once in your lifetime ever encountered someone that lives in that cultcha? :lol: PLENTY of people speak and act like this. ...
Agreed on all points except... [quote]Donald isn't the man I'd invite over for supper[/quote] Now I definitely don't think he and I would be going to Mass together, but I'd absolutely have him over for dinner (it's dinner not supper btw). :lol: ...
[quote]There are Republicans who have a strong belief in "law and order", where a felony conviction holds an immense amount of weight.[/quote]If these Republican types (Haley campers or "up to this point" Trump supporters) can't see this conviction or any of the other pending suits as the corrupt la...
[quote]Speaking of these rubber ducks, is there a reason that non jeep drivers have them?[/quote] Is there any reason for non-jeep or jeep owners to have them? Really? My other question- when/why did this stupid trend start?...
[quote]I’m even willing to entertain a rape exception[/quote] I’m not crazy about any exceptions (I’d much rather adoptions as the alternative), but I get this one. The one I don’t get is the incest exception. That’s two, albeit sick, consenting adults (otherwise it would be rape) that screwed a...
William Ruto speak? Holy crap! The balls on this guy to ask for all the goodies he just listed out from America relative to Haiti. Can’t elaborate at the moment because I couldn’t write it down, but hopefully someone here can. Essentially what I gathered (not shockingly), “please open up y...
Disgusting pandering! Why not celebrate the success of them graduating from college despite real and imagined odds? I can’t, for the life of me, understand why and how anyone other than hardcore liberals can vote for democrats. Of course, republicans are huge pussies on matters that matter too....

re: Saturday Pureblood Check In!

Posted by CMBears1259 on 5/18/24 at 11:26 am
Random Saturday morning thread, Pureblood up in here too!...
Don’t know anything about this chick’s motives (definitely attention whoring). What I can say with certainty is bitch needs to eat a sandwich. Scrawny AF....
Depends on the issue at hand, might be less expensive to get a parenting coordinator involved (although I don’t particularly like the one we use. Fortunately we don’t need her much anymore). Brian Prendergast- If it’s an issue that truly needs to go to court. He’s beaten the shite out of my ex’s...
Sorry I didn’t read your whole post, but I did catch the segment and my guess is that Rhule purposefully misrepresented the Uniparty moniker as short hand for “unity party”. I don’t think she’s stupid....
Sounds like a mobbed up daughter or wife, but if she can get the things done that she lays out :cool:...
[quote]Steyn is not and for the last few years has not been in the best of health[/quote] Couple of posts in the thread have mentioned Steyn was in/has been in poor health so I googled….2 heart attacks. Also, had no idea he was 64 years old! :wha: Not saying 64 is old, it’s not, but I definit...
[quote]Rush had a Trump-like sleep schedule of 5 hours a night.[/quote] I remember Rush talking about this in regards to himself and Trump. I feel like I’m in good company when it comes to this. Maybe I should throw my hat into the ring! :lol:...
[quote]Michael Berry[/quote] Meh…don’t really care, but didn’t he get caught up in some homosexual “controversy” in the Montrose area of Houston?...
I’ll go to my grave believing that Mark Steyn was the only logical choice to take the EIB Golden microphone after Rush’s death. There was ever only going to be one Rush, but Steyn (IMO) was the only one with the cutting humor, ideas and observations to come remotely close to Rush. ...
[quote]Why doesn’t Paul Ryan Run for Prez?[/quote] Was giving you the benefit of the doubt with this question then read this.... [quote]I’ll admit I don’t know much about politics[/quote] and immediately stopped reading. If you educated yourself (especially if you read this forum) you'd know...
No. You’re thinking about Cassidy Hutchinson....
[quote]but who doesn't like bananas?[/quote] My ex-wife. That should have been a clue (one of many) not to marry her....