Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:12/4/2011
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Jay Johnson might be a kind of okay great coach...
[quote]Unless they throw a LHP i think you have to start him at C[/quote] Accurate, especially since double digit runs may be needed to win minus some heroics from our pitching staff. Sub in Milazzo as a defensive replacement if able, and move Neal to DH....

re: Starter options for NC tomorrow

Posted by NOLA1128 on 6/2/24 at 6:49 pm
[quote]What are our options?[/quote] At this point, the only 100% burned arms are Herring, Holman and Hurd. Tomorrow would be a bullpen day for Jump, so that’s an “as needed” thing for 3 outs. Coleman, Dutton, Ack, Anderson, Guidry are probably our guys...

re: Alright Hurd

Posted by NOLA1128 on 6/2/24 at 6:44 pm
[quote]Regular season games, just aren't important enough for him, clearly.....[/quote] Come on man, why shite on him like this when he’s quite literally doing more today than we could’ve realistically hoped for? I’d argue that it’s more that he rises to the occasion of “my team needs me now” t...
[quote]While I rewound it LSU got 2 more runs so I guess I’ll never do that again.[/quote] Wrong. You are in a perpetual state of rewinding back to that moment so we score even more runs. TD thanks you for your sacrifice....
I usually don’t do this, but bumping after rethinking the game. Those two DPs by White and then Travinski were atrocious and completely changed the outlook of the game. This sucks....
Our team's "leaders" couldn't step up in the moments we needed them most. When you're looking at our most consistent contributors in the biggest moments, it's all FR and SO guys. That bodes well for the future, but certainly cannot be how you win in the postseason this year. White, Travinski, Pea...

re: Pitcher

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/25/24 at 10:54 pm
[quote]I have no clue what direction Jay plans to go, Dutton & pen or if he goes to Jump[/quote] I’ll say this - 100% not Jump. I do believe CJJ that after that first Wake Forest game in Omaha that Jay did lay out an entire “you will start these days” plan on the whiteboard like he said to get it...
So we can do this, but we can't get straight-line views down sidelines at all stadiums to determine in bounds/out-of-bounds?...
[quote]Will be important to play our way into a 2 seed IMO[/quote] Why? 2 vs 3 means very little unless we are talking about the host of a super for an unseeded (top 16) team....

re: Some appreciation for the ump

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/18/24 at 3:34 pm
[quote]think the ump is a bit racist. Zone gets a bit larger when he comes to bat for some reason.[/quote] Come on, man....

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/18/24 at 8:24 am
[quote]I guess Matt Duchene isn’t a complete loser, after all[/quote] Still is, that goal was nothing more than puck luck. The sad thing, overall, is that shouldn’t have been the game/series winner as that first one a good goal....

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/18/24 at 8:00 am
[quote]Good series - it should have been better but Stars were the better team[/quote] Absolutely true, especially given that Dallas won that game twice and it’s undeniably true. I’m not so sure where the Avalanche hate came in earlier in the thread as it seems most Avs fans in here are pretty...

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/17/24 at 10:29 pm
[quote]Soft arse call.[/quote] There too....

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/17/24 at 10:20 pm
[quote]Yeah that was a soft call[/quote] Agreed. Weird, Avs fans are sensitive though. Glad Moose did something with it though....

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/17/24 at 9:59 pm
Thank you for your postseason watch only hockey....

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/17/24 at 9:57 pm
[quote]Who is considered the best goalie in the game currently?[/quote] I’d say Hellebuyck given that he’s a shoe in to win the Vezina, but Bob in FLA and Demko when healthy in VAN deserve honorable mentions. Vasilevskiy still there, too....

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/17/24 at 9:54 pm
[quote]said they drag down others quite skillfully[/quote] Simply not true. The Avs aren’t exactly a physical juggernaut nor are they all that great defensively this year. Really good on the forecheck, horrible on the back check. Maybe you just watch playoff hockey?...

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/17/24 at 9:51 pm
[quote]Otter rank amongst goalies? Dude is legit.[/quote] Good, but towards the top end towards great....

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by NOLA1128 on 5/17/24 at 9:50 pm
[quote]They are quite adept at pushing the Stars down from behind. .very, very good[/quote] You mean like the no call against Parise two nights ago with a cross check to his lower back? Come on man, hockey is hockey. The Avs are not known, in any way, to be a dirty team....