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Location:Beautiful Downtown Glenn Springs,Tx
Number of Posts:5156
Registered on:11/25/2011
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[quote]Has SFP ever backed off of a post?[/quote] Yeah, once when he thought he was wrong, but then he realized he was only mistaken. ...
[quote]Once again it would be necessary. They could easily cut off all utilities and communications and it’s game over any resistance would capitulate in a matter of days.[/quote] Food supply chain disruption would be more effective than jets. People will flat give up when their kids are starving...
[quote]They count as training hours so that pilots can remain current.[/quote] Well, that flew right over your head....
Ya'll been thinking those stadium flyovers are all for show?...

re: What are these women training for?

Posted by tonydtigr on 6/11/24 at 6:24 pm
The yolks on them. ...
[quote]shite, in my hood it's the womens who speed because they are always late. We have one entrance that is .8 mile long, originally the speed limit was 40 mph. After complaining the parish dropped it to 25 mph and now the neighbors in the back drive 40 mph instead of 50 mph. [/quote] Hello, ne...
[quote]I get the feeling she doesn't live far from the Southdowns area. [/quote] Nope. Squarely in the new city....
[quote]This would be just as good.[/quote] shite, that would be a quantum leap better. ...
Does it show the moment in the show that you turned that shite off because it went woke? That would be a really helpful feature for them to see. ...
[quote]All I know is none of these people give a baker’s frick about the 600,000+ Ukrainians and Russians who have died in that war, much, much, much higher than what is going on in Gaza.[/quote] Absolutely great point. I guess it just doesn't fit the people running the protests agenda. ...

re: The new/real Tornado Alley

Posted by tonydtigr on 6/6/24 at 9:59 pm
Terlingua, Big Bend area of Texas....
[quote]War is hell[/quote] And if it wasn’t, no one would surrender....

re: Tipping percentage increase

Posted by tonydtigr on 6/3/24 at 12:00 pm
Ok, but do you tip on the pre tax amount, or total bill amount?...
[quote]SFP will be here shortly.[/quote] frick that shite stain....

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by tonydtigr on 6/2/24 at 10:56 am
Should have been FUBAR detergent....
[quote]I mean allegedly SFP passed it, look at him [/quote] "Allegedly" is the key word here. What proof do we really have? The word of a buffoon? ...
[quote]My question is: If there is a guilty verdict, does that keep him off the November Presidential Ballot?[/quote] If the judge can wrangle a felony conviction, that's a good question. ...
[quote]Why do you believe young people are like this?[/quote] Demise of the family unit is a huge reason and quite possibly the root cause. Many here knock religion, but it helped promote the family unit. Today's government system does not. There were certain things that people used to think ...
[quote]A child that young isn’t someone we as a society should give up on. [/quote] Our society giving up on children is a myth and a mantra perpetuated by the left. They are given opportunity after opportunity to succeed. We have nothing but midnight basketball, and waterparks, and libraries all...