Favorite team:Houston Astros 
Location:Hammond, LA
Number of Posts:29413
Registered on:9/16/2011
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[quote]Now? The novelty has worn out, I've done the things I wanted to experience. I can take it or leave it.[/quote] Man I hear this all the time. I’m closing in on 20 years married and honestly I enjoy it now more than ever. I would be miserable if I didn’t enjoy sex with my spouse. I feel sorry...
[quote]I've asked the same question: why not stop all loans if people can't pay them back and if the degrees from universities are obviously not providing a good return on investment?[/quote] It would fix the college problem. Government bullshite and student loans you can’t discharge have led to the...
Bet they don’t say “My pleasure” when you ask them for a refill. ...
[quote]For those old enough to remember, this is the 20th anniversary of Lt Vickie Wax’s murder while working security at the old Wal-Mart at Perkins & Acadian. It was a senseless killing and shocked the town. [/quote] Over a disposable camera too. I used to live off College and frequented that W...

re: Twister - time has abused it badly

Posted by elprez00 on 5/22/24 at 5:17 am
My 12 year old watched it recently and was on the edge of her seat the entire movie. The 90s was a great movie time. Bill Paxton could fight tornadoes, Bruce Willis could fight asteroids, and the physics didn’t matter. Far better than our current state of Hollywood. ...
frick all these people. Gas prices have been exceptionally stupid since the first of the year. Drop just below $3, then overnight shoot up $.30-$.40. Then slowly fall back. I paid $2.93 Sunday afternoon. $3.31 Monday evening. Because “reasons.” I’m sick of everything costing double what it d...
“We don’t understand why you’re struggling Mr Prez.” “Well everything I buy costs at least twice what it did four years ago. I’m not making double what I made four years ago. And most people, when they commit to setting a budget when buying things like a house, don’t factor in the cost of everyth...
[quote]Is this common? [/quote] More than you think. My daughter is allergic to non-precious metals. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. Sounds like one of those made up female excuses for gold. :lol: She doesn’t swell up like Hitch, but she gets a red rash on her e...

re: Buying gun at Bass Pro

Posted by elprez00 on 5/20/24 at 4:51 pm
Bought several, never had an issue. Ordered online several times and they will send you an email when it’s in and then you have like a week to go in and pick it up. Fill out the paperwork when you get there. ...
Very happy for him. Always hanging around the lead, finally got it. ...

re: SNL Weekend Update Joke Swap

Posted by elprez00 on 5/19/24 at 8:07 am
That was great. I love these. And it’s obvious they are having a good time with it. How can you not like this? Remember when we used to be able to tell jokes and laugh about it, even when it was non-pc?...
1, then keyboard, then 9. :lol: I learned DOS commands while my friends were playing Mario. ...

re: No Tengo Ingles

Posted by elprez00 on 5/19/24 at 7:40 am
Fun fact. Most of them speak perfect English. That’s all an act. ...
[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.shopify.com%2Fs%2Ffiles%2F1%2F0817%2F7355%2Fproducts%2FOSPREY_mainbox_view_grande.jpg%3Fv%3D1580187492&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=58bfbd5e94a011b117d82ed0ca7b59245148db8e504ba63ace7e8ccc69ecc3a4&ipo=images[/img] If you want functional, I have ...
I’ve done it before in a scramble. But if I’m alone, I usually put my headphones in my ears and keep it to myself...
[quote]quote:I'll take things that never happened for $1000 please 1000% did.[/quote] I have no personal small town experience with this, but I do see the topic a ton on some of the Excellence resorts pages I joined when the wife and I were looking at trips. Apparently this is a big deal...

re: He or she is gone.

Posted by elprez00 on 5/14/24 at 6:48 am
I have a speckled king snake that I’ve seen around the house and I’m actually worried the freeze or the hawk I’ve seen flying around got him. I haven’t seen him in a while. I won’t handle them, I have an irrational fear of snakes. But I also don’t go around like Rambo killing everyone I see. We ...

re: What are your hobbies

Posted by elprez00 on 5/12/24 at 7:21 pm
I think I’ve figured it out. I’m going to make work my hobby. Because apparently that’s all it takes to make sure everything else takes up all your time and you never get to do it. I play golf, I hunt, and I fish. I’ve played golf once since September, I deer hunted once and never made it duck h...
[quote]Not even sure what i would gain by even going to one because other than some sandwich and beaver nugs, i have yet to figure out what the value is[/quote] Clean bathrooms, good food, staff that actually cares about their jobs. No matter how many people are there, everyone has a smile on their...