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Registered on:5/29/2011
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Honestly, I enjoy Scoots show. It seems he’s lived an interesting life. Myself being a fiscal conservative and socially agnostic, I find common ground with him. I couldn’t care less about his personal life. I do love it when he starts to lay into Latoya da Destroya....
[quote]But he will keep voting left no matter what. [/quote] For what it’s worth he did vote for McCain....

re: ATT Fiber or Cox N.O.

Posted by TchoupitoulasTiger on 4/10/24 at 10:05 pm
AT&T all the way. I’ve had their fiber for about 5 or 6 years and I don’t think I could ever go back to that garbage that COX peddles. One of the things that I love about AT&T fiber is the Smart Home App. It allows you to really manage and optimize your network. I also have been able to troubleshoot...
[quote]Didn’t even eclipse 1k calories yesterday and plan to stay under 1k.[/quote] I don’t think that’s a good idea to maintain 1k or less calories. Even Dr. Now (My 600 lb Life surgeon) prescribes a 1200 calorie high protein, low carb diet. I’m currently eating a calorie deficit but I’m doing i...
[quote]first short term thing I do is a Intermittent or total fast for 1-3 days[/quote] This is how I got jump started too. Woke up one morning and just started mowing grass and cleaning up the yard....
I'll probably get downvoted to oblivion when I say this but... all things considered, when you look at other cities with democrat mayors... she's really not that bad. Case in point, New Orleans would gladly trade Cantrell for SWB. Do I think she's a great mayor? Nope Is EBR parish government st...

re: My InBody Scan & Macros

Posted by TchoupitoulasTiger on 2/28/24 at 1:09 pm
[quote]Do you consume any alcohol? I’m assuming no?[/quote] Actually I do. I used to drink a lot... a whole lot. I've significantly wined myself down to where I'll only have a couple of drinks on the weekend....

re: My InBody Scan & Macros

Posted by TchoupitoulasTiger on 2/27/24 at 6:48 pm
[quote]I’ve done three InBody scans the last few months and they were 10.7%, 10.5% and 13.4% with my body weight very close each time.[/quote] That’s the kind of numbers and consistency I’m targeting. Is there a part of your diet (carbs, fats, protein) or routine that you focus on that helps you...

My InBody Scan & Macros

Posted by TchoupitoulasTiger on 2/27/24 at 5:41 pm
I’m 5'11" and in my late 30’s. Started November of 2023 weighing 197 lbs and hadn’t consistently been to the gym since high school. I decided to make some serious changes in my life after seeing myself on one of those cameras in the Wal-Mart aisles. I started going to the gym. It was brutal at fi...
[quote]used to be halfway decent to visit and do a few fun things.[/quote] You hung out and did fun things in “Little Dominica”? 181st Street is up by the George Washington Bridge, past Harlem and far away from what most here would consider a part of the city that a visitor would go to. ...
[quote]There are some crazy facts about the pyramids' construction that suggest a lot more going on than just tombs[/quote] Not a single mummy, pharaoh, or tomb has been discovered inside a pyramid… EVER. What’s also never been seen inside any of the pyramid’s tunnels or chambers is any sign ...
[quote]That said, I am still not sure the rate hikes really did that much to curb inflation, and think it was more the covid money and supply disruption stopped.[/quote] It’s hard to have a discussion on the topic when there is a misunderstanding about the terms used. So let me say- prices are ...
Take him on a “ride” on the Algiers ferry. You can go across and back fairly quickly and it’ll cost you more to park than to cross the Mississippi and come back. Observation deck at the state capitol is also a good idea. Yeah, anyone can go...
For breakfast I have 2 scrambled eggs 1 Oikos Triple Zero yogurt Snack: Protein shake Lunch: 1 Chicken breast 1/2 cup of rice Dinner: 2 chicken breasts Vegetables 3/4 cup of oatmeal w/ raspberries and blueberries Snack: Protein shake Less than 2000 calories ...
[quote]Running is probably the absolute worst thing you could do to lose weight.[/quote] [quote]Is it? I fully understand diet is mostly what accounts for weight but I don't see how physical activity and periods of increased heart rate aren't a help in shedding some pounds[/quote] I’m not a mind...
A lot of good info here. The lines that resonate with me and I think would benefit the OP [quote]Read nutrition labels, you will shite bricks when you see how much sugar is added to most foods[/quote] I’m now that guy in the grocery store that’s holding 2 similar products and looking at the nutri...
[quote]How about that island that's off limits to people. The one where the natives kill you the minute you pull up.[/quote] North Sentinel Island [img][/img] [img]
A year or two ago I needed to wrap some last minute gifts. I was at my parents house and the only paper I could find that could sufficiently wrap the gifts was this really thick, heavy weighted paper, basically about as thick or thicker than resume paper. It also had a glittery, 120 bit sandpaper ty...
I dated this girl for a little while and of course she had some gay guy friends (the fix up your house kind of gay guys, not the “oh my god here they come” floating around gay guys). Anyway, we were out and aTm was on the tv and they showed the yell leaders doing their gay cheering. One of gay d...