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Location:Dauphin Island
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My wife(no pics) would break them of that fetish right quick and in a hurry. :lol: :yack:...
[quote] He can try to do it, but there are a bunch of checks on anything juicy from getting out under the guise of national security and muh sources and methods.[/quote] Sad, but true. The swamp protects itself....
The white lingerie is my weakness. Absolutely incredible....

re: 2024 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by TidenUP on 5/26/24 at 8:38 pm
That's the way it's supposed to work...driver that starts the race gets the points. Curious if that sticks this time....
That's not the way I read that judge's statement, but okay....
[quote] that would likely be proper.[/quote] Wait, you are saying that perjury is proper in this case? Because they are from New York? How do you allow perjury when you are blocking testimony for the defense, labelling it as confusing to the jury?...
:rotflmao: Basically, the judge is saying "So what if he lied under oath? The jury can separate that from the rest of the BS I allowed on the record." :rotflmao:...
[quote]Weird times when traditional is considered backwards.[/quote] That is what BHO meant by fundamental transformation...

re: New Lithium source found in U.S.

Posted by TidenUP on 5/19/24 at 8:16 pm
[quote]We’ve always had access to domestic lithium, but environmental, land rights, and water rights [/quote] Just say govt regulations have prevented it. Gotta pay off the right people....

re: # needs more handouts

Posted by TidenUP on 5/19/24 at 7:08 pm
[quote]These fricking NGO’s[/quote] Wanna guess where these "NGOs" get the majority of their funding? ...
[quote]In fairness to the governor, this whole process of dealing with all these immigrants is a complete shite show. Nobody knows what’s going on, who is coming in, and where they are going. It’s a cluster frick by the federal government of the highest magnitude. Why would she be any different?[/quo...
He's just locked in on the contrarian viewpoint for his courtroom arguments. Hank and boosie do the same shite. It's like a training ground for them....
Don't forget that he thinks Dylan Mulvaney is attractive. :lol:...
Great job on this thread! You had your hands full all day :cheers:...
[quote]That’s the exact opposite of what should be happening by lawmakers[/quote] DoJ is not lawmakers. They are supposed to be the prosecuting branch of law enforcement. They have been politicized and it is being exposed by their own words and actions....
Keep in mind that BHO tried to pass this cocksucker off as a moderate for SCOTUS. Think about that. :rotflmao:...
My wife is a complete opposite of her mother. My MIL is an absolute leech on anyone she's around. She literally lived off her dad and her brother her entire life. She had the gall to tell her oldest brother that she was supposed to get the house AND all the money when her father died. She now li...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by TidenUP on 5/8/24 at 4:47 pm
Question...If you call them fatties to their face, with them wearing those shirts, do you get cancelled or harassed for calling them fatties?...
Using an imaginary child to support illegal immigration and open borders to get the Karen vote....